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Microsoft Configuration Manager and Intune (Enterprises/Paid) => Support and General Questions (Enterprises Using ConfigMgr and Intune) => Topic started by: Aleksander on February 23, 2022, 01:36:21 AM

Title: Dell Command Update NOT automatically update PCs
Post by: Aleksander on February 23, 2022, 01:36:21 AM

Dell Command Update NOT automatically update PCs, as Lenovo System Update is doing.

Do you know any trigger/switches that need to be added during installtion of software, to forced "Dell Command Update" to update PCs? as it is now user get questions if they want to update dell computers, every two weeks.

Dell Command Update 4.4.0
Title: Re: Dell Command Update NOT automatically update PCs
Post by: Adam Cook (Patch My PC) on February 23, 2022, 01:43:18 AM
Hey Aleksander,

If you want to update Dell Command Update I recommend deploying the update to your devices. If you want the software to update itself, I recommend investigating if the software is capable of doing this by reading the vendor's software documentation.
Title: Re: Dell Command Update NOT automatically update PCs
Post by: Aleksander on February 23, 2022, 02:22:30 AM
I may have misspoken, what I mean is a switch that will cause Dell Command Update to update drivers and firmware automatically, not by asking users.
Title: Re: Dell Command Update NOT automatically update PCs
Post by: Adam Cook (Patch My PC) on February 23, 2022, 02:24:12 AM
Hey Aleksander,

Ah, gotcha. In any case, I still recommend referring to the vendor's documentation on this one as you are ultimately asking how to configure their software. Unfortunately I do not know the answer.
Title: Re: Dell Command Update NOT automatically update PCs
Post by: shandor on April 11, 2024, 07:19:05 PM
Hi there!
We had Intune installing Dell Command Update with automatic settings in place to enforce driver installation after a certain amount of allowed deferrals, etc.
We took these instructions from the below video:

Here's a summary. First install the software manually, configure it as you want and export an XML of the intended config. Now you can start building the installer package. Then the installer package does the following:

Now if I can just figure out a way to successfully have this work again within Patch My PC. Any ideas?
Title: Re: Dell Command Update NOT automatically update PCs
Post by: shandor on April 12, 2024, 01:31:09 AM
I finally figured this one out and it's embarrassingly simple. You can actually do everything you need via commands run inside the dcu-cli.exe file. Here are the commands I have run to set everything we need and then to lock down the settings for end users:

"C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandUpdate\dcu-cli.exe" /configure -scheduleDaily=15:30
"C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandUpdate\dcu-cli.exe" /configure -scheduleAuto -scheduleAction=DownloadInstallAndNotify
"C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandUpdate\dcu-cli.exe" /configure -installationDeferral=enable -deferralInstallInterval=4 -deferralInstallCount=5 -systemRestartDeferral=enable -deferralRestartInterval=4 -deferralRestartCount=5
"C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandUpdate\dcu-cli.exe" /configure -locksettings=enable