Just had these errors:
2/3/2022 9:47:31 AM - Download URL: https://download.microsoft.com/download/D/D/F/DDF23DF4-0186-495D-AA35-C93569204409/50918.00/Silverlight_x64.exe
2/3/2022 9:47:31 AM - Failed to get download information for Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.50918.0 Download URL: https://download.microsoft.com/download/D/D/F/DDF23DF4-0186-495D-AA35-C93569204409/50918.00/Silverlight_x64.exe
2/3/2022 9:47:31 AM - Download URL: https://ardownload2.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/AcrobatDC/2101120039/AcroRdrDC2101120039_en_US.exe
2/3/2022 9:47:32 AM - Download Path: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\Acrobat Reader DC 21.011.20039.exe
2/3/2022 9:47:32 AM - Download size: 220.62 MB
2/3/2022 9:47:32 AM - Downloading Acrobat Reader DC 21.011.20039 (220.62 MB)
2/3/2022 9:48:39 AM - Total download time in seconds: 67.09
2/3/2022 9:48:39 AM - Install Command: /sAll /rs /rps /norestart ALLUSERS=1 EULA_ACCEPT=YES
2/3/2022 9:48:39 AM - Acrobat Reader DC 21.011.20039 Downloaded Successfully
2/3/2022 9:48:39 AM - Silently install Acrobat Reader DC 21.011.20039
2/3/2022 9:49:13 AM - Install Complete Exit Code 1625
Microsoft Silverlight is discontinued, it will be removed in the next update of Patch My PC.
For Acrobat Reader DC 21.011.20039 please try downloading it again, sometimes the download URL is too slow to fully download the installer in the first try.
Sounds good, could you possibly tell me when the new version of Home Updater will be released?
We don't have a specific time right now, but for now you can completely avoid Microsoft Silverlight by removing it or by right click on it and choose "Disable Scanning for this app"