We just got our Intune/PMP environment set up. We deployed Java 8 with no problem but we are having issues uninstalling Java 7. Any ideas on what might be going on? I have set the assignment to uninstall (see screenshot). I have it in the IntuneApps. I'm trying IntuneUpdates now as well.
I would suggest opening a ticket by emailing
[email protected] and if you could include the following logs that would be great! These logs would come from a client machine that's experiencing the problem IE not having Java 7 uninstalled.
Note: Some Patch My PC log files listed above may be found in %WinDir%\CCM folder if that folder exists.
We got this error in the agent executor log:
error = File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Intune Management
Extension\Content\DetectionScripts\9981fd23-3459-47c8-8a29-eb5bb33ef7f0_1.ps1 cannot be loaded. A certificate chain
processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.
+ CategoryInfo : SecurityError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess
I've deployed a cert from our PMP server from WSUS to my clients Trust Publishers and Trusted Root CA and it worked!
Awesome! If you experience any other errors don't hesitate to reach out here or email us at
[email protected] !