We have a problem with the new SQL Server Management Studio V18 15.0.18369.0 update, we are getting an error code 0x87D00668
The Update is installed but it wil stay with the status required in SCCM and wil try to reinstall at the client side and failing with error 0x87D00668.
Could you please advice? and are we the only ones with this problem?
Hi Frank
0x87D00668 resolves to:
Quote# Only administrators have permission to add, remove, or
# configure server software during a Terminal services remote
# session. If you want to install or configure software on
# the server, contact your network administrator.
I will install an older version in a lab and attempt the update but I'm not doing this in an RDS / VDI environment. Is your issue from RDS clients?
Hi Adam,
Thx for the quick reply.
It is localy on my workstation and on several other workstations.
The error 0x87D00668 also means: "Software update still detected as actionable after being applied"
things i already tried
1. repair dot net, no succes
2. repair windows update, no succes
3. uninstall the management studio and install it again with the new version, fixed the issue, but is not what i'm looking for
Quote from: Frank on January 22, 2021, 03:49:51 AM
Hi Adam,
Thx for the quick reply.
It is localy on my workstation and on several other workstations.
The error 0x87D00668 also means: "Software update still detected as actionable after being applied"
things i already tried
1. repair dot net, no succes
2. repair windows update, no succes
3. uninstall the management studio and install it again with the new version, fixed the issue, but is not what i'm looking for
Hi Frank
What is the update's max run time? Right click on the software update within the
All software updates node of the ConfigMgr console, choose
Properties and look in the
Maximum Run Time tab. If it's 10 minutes, perhaps try setting it to 60 minutes as a test and see if the update needs longer on your devices to install.
Hi Adam,
Sorry for the late reply, i tought i send a reply on wednesday, but probably forgot to press Post :)
Thx for the tip,
I have changed the Runtime to 60 min, but no luck, it give the error after about 3 to 5 min of running.
What is also strange is that last week i uninstalled the SSMS on my pc, and then installed it with the new version, everything was ok, until Wednesday then the patch was again on my pc and failing with the same error.
When i looked in the SCCM console my pc went from Installed to required again
In the console i do see a lot of pc's that require the patch and if i look at the inventory the version is correct
"Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - 18.8 {29fdeb7a-f6e5-40c3-a203-e306837e95a4} Microsoft Corporation 15.0.18369.0"
My assumtion is that there is something wrong with the detection rule for this patch
Quote from: Frank on January 29, 2021, 12:56:52 AM
Hi Adam,
Sorry for the late reply, i tought i send a reply on wednesday, but probably forgot to press Post :)
Thx for the tip,
I have changed the Runtime to 60 min, but no luck, it give the error after about 3 to 5 min of running.
What is also strange is that last week i uninstalled the SSMS on my pc, and then installed it with the new version, everything was ok, until Wednesday then the patch was again on my pc and failing with the same error.
When i looked in the SCCM console my pc went from Installed to required again
In the console i do see a lot of pc's that require the patch and if i look at the inventory the version is correct
"Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - 18.8 {29fdeb7a-f6e5-40c3-a203-e306837e95a4} Microsoft Corporation 15.0.18369.0"
My assumtion is that there is something wrong with the detection rule for this patch
Hi Frank
I've just updated SSMS v18 15.0.18358.0 to v18 15.0.18369.0 with no issue. Update evaluated as installed after the install completed.
Below are the applicability rules for SSMS v18 15.0.18369.0. Are you able to discern any reason why your clients are evaluating as
not installable (i.e. not required)?
<bar:RegValueExists Key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Subkey="SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio\18" Value="Version" />
<bar:RegSzToVersion Comparison="LessThan" Data="15.0.18369.0" Value="Version" Key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Subkey="SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio\18" />
<bar:RegValueExists Key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Subkey="SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio\18" Value="Version" />
<bar:RegSzToVersion Comparison="GreaterThanOrEqualTo" Data="15.0.18369.0" Value="Version" Key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Subkey="SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio\18" />
More info on finding applicability rules here: View Applicability Rules and Troubleshoot Detection States for Third-Party Updates (https://patchmypc.com/how-to-view-applicability-rules-and-troubleshoot-detection-states-for-third-party-updates)