We're having an issue with the Zoom Outlook plug-in asking to update after closing Outlook, even though I've selected the "Disable Self-Updater" for all Zoom products. This started happening after this last patching cycle.
Please advise.
From what I see, we don't actually support disable updates for Zoom Outlook Plugin:
We can take a look at this though. Do you happen to know the RegValue or setting to disable self-updates for this product?
Quote from: ezuniga on September 02, 2020, 09:56:52 AM
We're having an issue with the Zoom Outlook plug-in asking to update after closing Outlook, even though I've selected the "Disable Self-Updater" for all Zoom products. This started happening after this last patching cycle.
Please advise.
Let me look into that and check on the registry setting, but the screenshot is what led me to believe that the Disable Self Updater was supported.
We will need to look at improving the checkbox displayed at the Vendor level when no child products support that action.
Quote from: ezuniga on September 02, 2020, 10:15:41 AM
Let me look into that and check on the registry setting, but the screenshot is what led me to believe that the Disable Self Updater was supported.
We've added the ability to disable the self updater to the Zoom Outlook Plugin. You may need to go into Patch My PC and confirm the option is now available and enabled.
Awesome! I'm about to click that option and run the publishing service sync. I hope this takes care of things for our next patching cycle.
So even after making sure the option is selected to disable auto-update, the dialogue box saying that a new version is ready to install, is still coming up after closing Outlook. I've read on Reddit, that there's a registry modification that needs to be done to suppress this. I don't know if that'll work.
Can you link me to that reddit thread? We'll look at adding this as well.
https://www.reddit.com/r/Zoom/comments/i1a114/how_to_disable_auto_update_nag_for_outlook_plugin/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/Zoom/comments/i1a114/how_to_disable_auto_update_nag_for_outlook_plugin/)
ohh it has to be done per user... That is... not good. I'll see if we can support that scenario.
So we currently populate this flag for HKLM, but we cannot populate HKCU at this time. In order to set that flag for HKCU, you'll likely need to use a GPO or some other method to set: HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Zoom\OutlookPlugin\autoUpdate:dword:0
I assume if it is set at the HKLM level, that setting will actually be set for new users, but not for existing users.
That's what I figured. Although, maybe setting HKU:\.DEFAULT\Zoom\OutlookPlugin\autoUpdate 0 should set the setting for new users. Although, for now, I'll probably have to do a compliance in Configuration Manager.