Have a situation where I enabled TeamViewer 13 and it updated the host installs to full client. I have since disabled the update until I can get hosts back in place. Not sure if others have seen this behavior? Will you be offering security updates for the host instances? Thanks in advance.
Is this for our free home updater or catalog for SCCM?
SCCM catalog
Thanks for reporting, Andrew will be reviewing this to see if it's an issue with our applicability rules.
Quote from: SGB_002 on August 18, 2020, 06:42:16 PM
SCCM catalog
thanks. Should add that we are on trial license until Accounting can process payment tomorrow.
What is the exact version of Teamviewer 13 that was being pushed out? We have a check in place for teamviewer host, but I'm wondering if something is different here. This is the applicability rule for Teamviewer 13.2.36220 in our catalog:
<bar:RegValueExists Key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Subkey="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\TeamViewer" Type="REG_SZ" RegType32="true" />
<bar:RegSz Comparison="EqualTo" Data="Teamviewer Host" Value="DisplayName" Key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Subkey="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\TeamViewer" RegType32="true" />
<bar:RegSzToVersion Comparison="LessThan" Data="13.2.36220.0" Value="DisplayVersion" Key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Subkey="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\TeamViewer" RegType32="true" />
<bar:RegSzToVersion Comparison="GreaterThanOrEqualTo" Data="" Value="DisplayVersion" Key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Subkey="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\TeamViewer" RegType32="true" />
So we search for the Teamviewer uninstall reg key, and ensure that the display name i s not "Teamviewer Host". Can you let me know what you see under that reg key? Thanks!
It looks like our TV installations (full and host) load into the WOW6432Node in the registry (sample export below). The custom msi we use is from 2018, created via the Design&Deploy node on TeamViewer.com, and deploys version 13.1.3629. The first update to go out from PatchMyPC was v13.2.36218. we will not be moving to 15x until the late fall. I downloaded the v15 setup.exe from TV and it also installs to the WOW6432Node... is this maybe a result of residual files left behind?
"DisplayName"="TeamViewer 13 Host"
"DisplayIcon"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\TeamViewer\\TeamViewer.exe"
"UninstallString"="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\TeamViewer\\uninstall.exe\""
"InstallLocation"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\TeamViewer"
I see the issue here. We look specifically for "Teamviewer Host" and it looks like Teamviewer 13 pops in "Teamviewer 13 Host" instead, I'll look at fixing up the applicability rules to ensure we don't push out Full over Host in this situation. (we do specifically check the wow6432node).