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Microsoft Configuration Manager and Intune (Enterprises/Paid) => Support and General Questions (Enterprises Using ConfigMgr and Intune) => Topic started by: mivancic on August 12, 2020, 01:00:37 PM

Title: Issues downloading 3rd party updates - error code 0x80070643
Post by: mivancic on August 12, 2020, 01:00:37 PM
Hi all,

We're a new customer to Patch My PC, and we've finally begun using it to stage our 3rd party updates. Unfortunately, we've run into a lot of issues with our alpha group, where certain updates (Splunk Universal Forwarder 8.0.5 is the main culprit) have failed nearly across the board. The error code, 0x80070643(-2147023293) is a generic MSI error code. I've been able to manually remediate a couple machines by simply stopping the application in question and re-running the update.

Any ideas what we could do to get the updates to install properly?
Title: Re: Issues downloading 3rd party updates - error code 0x80070643
Post by: Cody Mathis (Patch My PC) on August 12, 2020, 01:13:39 PM

It might be that Splunk needs to be stopped in order to update. You can try selecting the option to close the Splunk application prior to installation if you are consistently seeing this behavior.

This article discusses the feature. You may have to republish your Splunk update after you make this change.

You also can ensure the verbose MSI logging is enabled for the application. Hopefully, the MSI logs can shed some light on what is going on as well.
Title: Re: Issues downloading 3rd party updates - error code 0x80070643
Post by: mivancic on August 13, 2020, 07:11:27 AM
Yes, this was it exactly. Thanks for the help!
Title: Re: Issues downloading 3rd party updates - error code 0x80070643
Post by: Cody Mathis (Patch My PC) on August 13, 2020, 07:11:58 AM
Glad that resolved your issue :)