Unable to add additional files(s) for Adobe Digital Editions 4.5.11 because the update was previously published with full-content. Republish the update using https://patchmypc.com/faq-scup-catalog#republishing-updates for new changes to take effect.
I followed the directions on the link provided and republished the update twice. I watched the logs and all steps completed per the directions. However, we still get the same warning after our nightly sync. files attached.
Can you try toggling that application off and on in the publisher, click "apply" then right click, republish then resync?
We added a new script to the application to block norton from installing and I am thinking it is not being enabled correctly. Toggling the app off and on should set the settings correctly and allow a republish.
I did as suggested, but received the same error during last night's sync. Same message in log.
Thanks for testing. This should be resolved in today's catalog update, please let us know if you continue to experience this issue tomorrow.