What CPU usage is everyone seeing for the PatchMyPCService during publishing?
Running on the Primary Site Server which is also the WSUS/SUP. Only 2 vCPUs @2.6Ghz
Process uses both CPUs and uses about 40-60% CPU usage.
Infra changes are planned to better scale for ConfigMgr. But I'd like to know what others see.
Hey Merlin,
I would say that's probably about normal if you are only running 2 cores. When we call the WSUS API, it will perform a full hash calculation of the downloaded binary file to ensure it's a match. The CPU will see a little spike during this operation.
Please be aware you are only running 25% of the recommended hardware requirement for a SUP: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/configmgr/core/plan-design/configs/recommended-hardware#bkmk_RemoteSiteSystem
Site system role CPU (cores) Memory (GB) Disk space (GB)
Software update point1 8 16 As required by the operating system and to store updates that you deploy
I would probably try to bump up to at least 4 CPU cores and see how that looks :).
Quote from: merlinfrombelgium on February 05, 2020, 05:03:32 AM
What CPU usage is everyone seeing for the PatchMyPCService during publishing?
Running on the Primary Site Server which is also the WSUS/SUP. Only 2 vCPUs @2.6Ghz
Process uses both CPUs and uses about 40-60% CPU usage.
Infra changes are planned to better scale for ConfigMgr. But I'd like to know what others see.
Thanks for your reply Justin.
We've made the customer fully aware of that! Changes are planned for coming months.
I appreciate your technical insight. Not really seeing spikes though. Rather a consistent usage while downloads and publishing is ongoing.
Any activity in the log? What build are you on?
Yes, there's activity as this is the first publishing run since implementation. So resource usage is expected, just didn't expect it to be this high, is all.
Gotcha, yeah I don't believe the WSUS hash checking is the most efficient method anymore. For example, if you publish a large update say > 500MB, you may notice it will probably take 5+ minutes to complete the publishing API. We've run a procmon during this phase and you can see as its hashing through the entire binary relatively slowly.
Quote from: merlinfrombelgium on February 05, 2020, 05:43:14 AM
Yes, there's activity as this is the first publishing run since implementation. So resource usage is expected, just didn't expect it to be this high, is all.