Hi all,
Will anyone be able to assist on this error?
An error occurred while updating a package in SCCM: Not found
SCCM..site version: 5.00.8790.1000 12/16/2019 3:42:24 PM 6 (0x0006)
Console version is: 5.1902.1085.1700 12/16/2019 3:42:24 PM 6 (0x0006)
Updating SCCM applications for Adobe Flash Player 32-bit/64-bit PPAPI (Chrome - MSI) 12/16/2019 3:42:27 PM 6 (0x0006)
Starting download for: https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/pdc/ 12/16/2019 3:42:27 PM 6 (0x0006)
Finished downloading file: [https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/pdc/] Average speed: 7.98 MB/s (21 MB) 12/16/2019 3:42:30 PM 28 (0x001C)
Successfully downloaded the update 12/16/2019 3:42:30 PM 6 (0x0006)
An error occurred while updating a package in SCCM: Not found 12/16/2019 3:42:30 PM 6 (0x0006)
Updating SCCM applications for Apple iTunes (x86) 12/16/2019 3:42:31 PM 6 (0x0006)
Starting download for: https://patchmypc.com/scupcatalog/updates/apple/itunes/iTunes_12.10.3.1_x86.msi 12/16/2019 3:42:31 PM 6 (0x0006)
Finished downloading file: [https://patchmypc.com/scupcatalog/updates/apple/itunes/iTunes_12.10.3.1_x86.msi] Average speed: 12 MB/s (150 MB) 12/16/2019 3:42:44 PM 11 (0x000B)
Successfully downloaded the update 12/16/2019 3:42:44 PM 6 (0x0006)
An error occurred while updating a package in SCCM: Not found 12/16/2019 3:42:45 PM 6 (0x0006)
Updating SCCM applications for Notepad++ 7.8.2 (x86) 12/16/2019 3:42:46 PM 6 (0x0006)
Starting download for: https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/releases/download/v7.8.2/npp.7.8.2.Installer.exe 12/16/2019 3:42:46 PM 6 (0x0006)
Finished downloading file: [https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/releases/download/v7.8.2/npp.7.8.2.Installer.exe] Average speed: 612.15 KB/s (3 MB) 12/16/2019 3:42:52 PM 66 (0x0042)
Successfully downloaded the update 12/16/2019 3:42:52 PM 6 (0x0006)
An error occurred while updating a package in SCCM: Not found 12/16/2019 3:42:52 PM 6 (0x0006)
unable to resolve this issue currently.
Please enable debug logging in the general tab then trigger a sync to repro then send the following logs: