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Microsoft Configuration Manager and Intune (Enterprises/Paid) => Support and General Questions (Enterprises Using ConfigMgr and Intune) => Topic started by: TimothyG on October 30, 2019, 07:27:44 AM

Title: Database SCCM Scan displays same count of x86 and x64 for an inventoried product
Post by: TimothyG on October 30, 2019, 07:27:44 AM

We are in the initial stage of configuring our recently-purchased Enterprise Plus subscription.

When accessing the Database Scan option to query our existing SCCM database, the results show that for the majority (but not all) of the products that PatchMyPC supports that are also in our inventory, there are the exact same number of x86 installations as x64 installations.  See, for comparison, Google Earth and JAWS v. IrfanView in the attached screenshot.  Looking at a report in our console shows 21 total installations of Google Earth, not 42.

Is this Database Scan result expected? And if so, how will it impact which products we Select and Enable in order to have PatchMyPC update these products going forward?

Thank you for your assistance.
Title: Re: Database SCCM Scan displays same count of x86 and x64 for an inventoried product
Post by: Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC) on October 30, 2019, 08:15:54 AM

Thanks for the post, today, not all products are perfect when it comes to differentiating between 32-bit and 64-bit installations. Today, we are using the view: dbo.v_Add_Remove_Programs that contains both installed programs from the 32-bit and 64-bit registry hives. We can differentiate between some programs based on their Application Title name, but not all.

With that said, we do plan to split the product queries to the v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS and v_GS_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS_64 for products that install in the correct registry hive. This will help improve the 32/64-bit counts to be more accurate. We've had it on the radar internally for a few months. If you have a minute, I would recommend posting this feedback as an idea on to make sure it stays on the radar.

Title: Re: Database SCCM Scan displays same count of x86 and x64 for an inventoried product
Post by: CharlieD on February 18, 2020, 11:56:29 PM
1st off - Things are going swimmingly.  Love this product, recommendation to my CTO for purchase coming before the budget cycle ends.  :) :) :)

I just noticed the that applications being created in SCCM have comments that say "created with v1.5.8.4" vs the v1.5.9 that the installer I used says it contains.  Control Panel and the application GUI itself both state 1.5.9 as well.

could this be a relic from my 1st attempt at installation (which could very well have been on before I had a chance to fully implement and request the demo license just this week.  I did install v1.5.9 earlier this week (2019-12-04), but did not check to see if I was installing over the top of a previous attempt.  Again, not of grave concern, as things are running and generating just fine.  Just a oddity note to pass along.
Title: Re: Database SCCM Scan displays same count of x86 and x64 for an inventoried product
Post by: Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC) on February 19, 2020, 05:16:08 AM
This was actually related to the core DLL being build even on the 1.5.9 build. Note, we are on build 1.6.4 now do you not have self-update enabled?

Quote from: CharlieD on February 18, 2020, 11:56:29 PM
1st off - Things are going swimmingly.  Love this product, recommendation to my CTO for purchase coming before the budget cycle ends.  :) :) :)

I just noticed the that applications being created in SCCM have comments that say "created with v1.5.8.4" vs the v1.5.9 that the installer I used says it contains.  Control Panel and the application GUI itself both state 1.5.9 as well.

could this be a relic from my 1st attempt at installation (which could very well have been on before I had a chance to fully implement and request the demo license just this week.  I did install v1.5.9 earlier this week (2019-12-04), but did not check to see if I was installing over the top of a previous attempt.  Again, not of grave concern, as things are running and generating just fine.  Just a oddity note to pass along.