I'm getting reports of users with multiple app versions seen in Control Panel:
v. 4.5.3372
v. 4.4.55389
v. 8 u151
v. 8 u221
Are you using our publishing service or SCCM in-console publishing or SCUP to publish updates?
Here is a KB article on removing previous versions of Java. Our publishing service now actually has a default script built in that will remove old versions, so this article is a little bit out of date, but it is the same idea.
Edit: I'm using the PMPC publishing service.
I'll look into the java script, thanks!
ok. I did NOT check the box "Don't attempt software update if the pre-update script returns an exit code . . . ". I'll check that and see what happens next time.
Any ideas about Zoom?
Thanks for being so responsive!
We aren't aware of any issues with Zoom not removing previous versions. Is it possible you have an application in SCCM the re-installed an old version of Zoom because of the detection methods?
That is a possibility. I did go through last week and clean up a bunch of old deployments. Let's consider this case closed for now. I'll make sure all my housekeeping is up-to-date and keep an eye on what happens for future releases. Thanks guys!
Sounds good, it maybe worth reviewing appenforce.log on the client to see if the older one was installed via application.