Can Bulk Crap Uninstaller be added? I love this Uninstaller program.
Best Uninstaller at the market for me :)
Bulk Crap Uninstaller (also known as BCUninstaller), is a free, open source program uninstaller for Windows® OS. It is a powerful program capable of detecting and removing orphaned applications, clean leftovers, filter the program type (such as those that belong to Microsoft) and more.
Yeah I use BC uninstaller. It works amazingly. PatchMyPC should definitely add this.
This one will be added in the next major update of Patch My PC Home Updater (
Hi there,
Thanks for the request. For new app requests, we are shifting things over to our ideas portal:
There is a category called "Home Updater (Apps)" where you can request new apps for Home Updater. If you would like to see this added, could you please submit an idea there instead?