Whilst initially trying out the PatchMyPC catalog for the first time, I realised I had incorrectly deployed VLC without the option to remove the desktop shortcut after upgrade. Since changing this option, every subsequent install
1. Update (Missing): VLC Media Player 3.0.6 (x64) (a14bd1a9-c361-4efe-acf8-e45ae4b46be9, 1) WUAHandler 20/02/2019 7:31:58 AM 9284 (0x2444)
Failed to download updates to the WUAgent datastore. Error = 0x80246002. WUAHandler 20/02/2019 7:31:59 AM 9284 (0x2444)
Going to search using WSUS update source. WUAHandler 20/02/2019 7:31:59 AM 9284 (0x2444)
WindowsUpdate.log (don't get me started on this log for Windows 10!)
2019/02/20 07:33:40.6480569 1116 4328 DownloadManager Copy update to cache UpdateId = A14BD1A9-C361-4EFE-ACF8-E45AE4B46BE9.1
2019/02/20 07:33:40.6482919 1116 4328 DownloadManager Matched the file to be copied on name, c4405e95-bce8-4da3-8a43-14e3f2ed8446_1.cab
2019/02/20 07:33:40.6482947 1116 4328 DownloadManager Copying c4405e95-bce8-4da3-8a43-14e3f2ed8446_1.cab to cache: C:\Cache\ccmcache\1h\c4405e95-bce8-4da3-8a43-14e3f2ed8446_1.cab to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\8a2b3129abfd06c3fcda9f20c37ae77ab024ae85.
2019/02/20 07:33:40.8759045 1116 4328 DownloadManager *FAILED* [80246002] Method failed [CAgentDownloadManager::CopyUpdateToCache:17443]
2019/02/20 07:33:40.8760348 9860 9284 ComApi *FAILED* [80246002] ISusInternal:: CopyUpdateToCache2
From what I can gather, I've managed to screw up the hash for the published app, but can't figure out how I can fix it. Unless I'm missing something, I can't see anything in the FAQ for this.
Can anyone offer some suggestions?
EDIT: we renamed the topic to include the error code for better indexing and searches and to help anyone else in the future.
This error (0x80246002) happens if you delete update(s) from WSUS after that update(s) was already downloaded into a deployment package in SCCM then you attempt to republish it and deploy it again in SCCM.
The error code 0x80246002 translates to "A download manager operation could not be completed because the file digest was not recognized."
Why The Error Happens:
SCCM stores the initial hash of the published update, and this doesn't get updated in the event the update was re-published to WSUS. When the update is deleted from WSUS, it will be republished, and since the code-signing of the file happens again, the update that is republished after initially deleted doesn't match what SCCM has cached.
To resolve this hash error, the update(s) will need to be republished, so they are treated as a new update with a new UpdateID.
Step 1: In our publishing service (https://patchmypc.com/publishing-service-setup-documentation), choose to republish the affected product(s) for update(s) having the hash issue.
Step 2: You will probably want to click yes on the "Supersede Previously Published Update(s)" message box. This option will set the currently published updates as superseded, and only the new republished updates will show as the latest revision. This option makes sense in your scenario since they are unable to install due to this hash mismatch error on clients anyway.
Step 3: Start a publishing service sync by clicking "Run Publishing Service Sync" in the Sync Schedule tab. Review the PatchMyPC.log and verify the VLC update(s) are republished as new updates.
Step 4: Sync your SCCM software update point and review the wsyncmgr.log to see the sync process and the new updates come into the database. Deploy the new republished updates and validate they work correctly, and you shouldn't receive the hash error anymore.
QuoteThis error (0x80246002) happens if you delete update(s) from WSUS after that update(s) was already downloaded into a deployment package in SCCM then you attempt to republish it and deploy it again in SCCM.
Yes, this was exactly the cause. I realised after I had done this that I had messed up, but couldn't figure out a way out of the issue.
QuoteWe are planning to release a new update (Version 1.2.3) to our publishing service either tomorrow (February 20, 2019) or Thursday.
Nice timing. This
mostly seems to fix the issue (I can republish applications fine) however I'm finding that the Patch My PC application frequently forgets the products I've selected, particularly after I make any changes. The application will show the products after I sync them, but the sync log shows nothing is synchronised and if I re-open the application, all the applications have been unchecked. This has happened both with the beta (1.2.3) and production (1.2.2) versions. It's the third or fourth time it's happened since I first installed the application a couple of days ago.
Quote from: rjch_wcc on February 19, 2019, 10:34:11 PM
Nice timing. This mostly seems to fix the issue (I can republish applications fine) however I'm finding that the Patch My PC application frequently forgets the products I've selected, particularly after I make any changes. The application will show the products after I sync them, but the sync log shows nothing is synchronised and if I re-open the application, all the applications have been unchecked. This has happened both with the beta (1.2.3) and production (1.2.2) versions. It's the third or fourth time it's happened since I first installed the application a couple of days ago.
we haven't seen this issue please email us the patchmypc.log to support@<ourdomainname>, and we will follow up there.
What is it? :o
It was spam ;)