Hi folks,
Wondering if anyone has had this issue. I have 72 clients with various versions of Mozilla Firefox. I've approved the updates for Firefox via Software updates, but it shows as 0 clients for the updates required field, not sure why it won't display these machines in the required field. Chrome, Java, Flash etc all work fine, it's just Firefox that I have this issue with. Any ideas?
Many thanks!
Does HKLM\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox:CurrentVersion contain en-US?
Yes it does, well it displays (x64 en-US)
Does the file <FirefoxInstallDir>\modules\osfile\ospath.jsm exist?
Hi Justin
There is no modules folder in the firefox directory, it's just a standard install with no addons if that helps
Can you submit a support email here https://patchmypc.com/technical-support, and we could schedule a call soon to review the machine to figure out why the detection logic isn't picking up.
Does this key contain the install directory?
Thanks Justin
Yes it does. I'll submit a ticket request,
Many thanks for your help