I have Node.js 10.12 LTS x64 installed. Both 10.14 LTS and Node.js 11.3.0 are being installed.
Install i tested with -
I apologize for the inconvenience. From a detection perspective, there is no difference (Reg Keys, Files, Etc) we can use to differentiate between the LTS and Regular node.js.
We could configure the regular node.js to only detect version 11.0 or greater so it doesn't detect the LTS v10 installs if you think that would help your scenario?
Quote from: grmorgan618 on November 28, 2018, 02:26:07 PM
I have Node.js 10.12 LTS x64 installed. Both 10.14 LTS and Node.js 11.3.0 are being installed.
Install i tested with -
Yes that would help... This is messing up some of our Dev environments
The other option, we may be able to have all LTS only detect previous known LTS version and the same for non-LTS.
Yeah whatever you can do to not have it upgrade major versions thanks
We just released two new updates for Node.js 11.3.0 that end in v2. These updates will only detect Node.js is the installed version is >= 11.0 and that will exclude any LTS v8 or v10.
The previous updates for Node.js 11.3.0 (x64) will be expired.
Sweet thanks!
Justin - thank you, the update you made works perfectly.