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Microsoft Configuration Manager and Intune (Enterprises/Paid) => Support and General Questions (Enterprises Using ConfigMgr and Intune) => Topic started by: adammc on November 07, 2018, 04:01:28 PM

Title: Error signing updates when no system proxy set error 2147954402
Post by: adammc on November 07, 2018, 04:01:28 PM
Hey, just subscribed to the full catalog, and noticed when I don't have system proxy set, (No default route so need proxy to to get to internet, don't ask..) PatchMyPC is unable to sign the updates when publishing to WSUS.
Using Code signing cert from our Internal CA and is imported into PatchmyPC,
QuoteStarting download for:   Downloader   8/11/2018 9:32:16 AM   6 (0x0006)
Finished downloading file. Average Speed : 1.14 MB/s (264 MB)   Downloader   8/11/2018 9:36:08 AM   6 (0x0006)
Successfully downloaded the update   Worker   8/11/2018 9:36:08 AM   6 (0x0006)
Digest of downloaded update 4fQGAttVnWnle3Hxgngk0A27FbA= matches the digest from the catalog 4fQGAttVnWnle3Hxgngk0A27FbA=   Worker   8/11/2018 9:36:09 AM   6 (0x0006)
Setting Sdp to run custom script   Worker   8/11/2018 9:36:09 AM   6 (0x0006)
Copying ScriptRunner...   Worker   8/11/2018 9:36:09 AM   6 (0x0006)
Calling WSUS API to publish an update to WSUS this can take a few minutes for large updates   Worker   8/11/2018 9:36:09 AM   6 (0x0006)
An error occurred while publishing an update to WSUS: Failed to sign package; error was: 2147954402   Worker   8/11/2018 9:40:06 AM   6 (0x0006)
If I set system proxy again it starts working, any ideas?
Title: Re: Error signing updates when no system proxy set
Post by: Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC) on November 07, 2018, 04:17:43 PM
The WSUS API that we call for timestamping doesn't use the proxy you define in the application. Instead, it uses the proxy at the SYSTEM level this is why in need to set it at the SYSTEM level for the WSUS API to properly use it.
Title: Re: Error signing updates when no system proxy set
Post by: adammc on November 07, 2018, 04:30:33 PM
If the Publishing service and WSUS are installed on the same server, should I be getting the same result?