Could you all double check the Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat reader classifications for the latest releases?
The Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat Reader classification for 19.8.20080 is "Security Update" in PatchMyPC Catalog but the APSB18-30 security bulletin lists 19.8.20071 ( .. the 19.8.20080 release notes list this as a hotfix patch ...
With your new use of classifications, this could cause this non-security version to download/deploy.
Thanks! (BTW, let me know if reporting stuff like this should go to another forum).
This update did contain security fixes. It looks like Adobe even classified this as a security update in their catalog. Hotfix isn't a classification, so we think since it contains security fixes security updates is the best classification.
Quote from: grmorgan618 on November 07, 2018, 02:31:36 PM
Could you all double check the Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat reader classifications for the latest releases?
The Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat Reader classification for 19.8.20080 is "Security Update" in PatchMyPC Catalog but the APSB18-30 security bulletin lists 19.8.20071 ( .. the 19.8.20080 release notes list this as a hotfix patch ...
With your new use of classifications, this could cause this non-security version to download/deploy.
Thanks! (BTW, let me know if reporting stuff like this should go to another forum).
When you state it contains security updates, do you mean that because it's cumulative it does by definition contain them?
If so, i guess it makes sense. The confusing part is your patch information claims 20080 IS for APSB18-30 and Adobe doesn't list the patch in the bulletin.
Anyway - I guess it doesn't really matter any new patch for Adobe would expire(because we immediately expire updates) the 20071 version so the only way to secure version would be to go to this one.
Thanks! Sorry to bother you with this.