You've recently decided to move all your products to the Patch My PC/SCUP Update.
1) How can I reset my WSUS repository so the previous products are deleted and I only have Patch My PC ?
Do you have a script that could allow me to remove those previous products ?
To be clear, in the picture attached, you can see that 7-Zip product is published and I now find it in the Patch My PC product.
2) This change forces me to recreate/modify all my ADR rules to match your new organization. Do yo have a script that could do the trick for me ?
In the picture, here's an example of my original ADR rule for Google Chrome and the changes I have to bring in order for it to retrieve the new versions
Thanks for your help.
1. You could re-publish all the newly modified updates that are now under the Patch My PC Vendor in SCUP. When the WSUS cleanup runs if all updates are removed from the previous individual products this will clear up after a little bit. Having the previous vendors and products won't cause any issues. If you did want to get them out sooner, we could hop on a call with you and do a few things to get them cleaned out sooner if you want?
2. We did release a video when we moved to the single vendor change. This talks about how you can utilize ADRs under the single vendor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeG6vu-rUK0 & https://patchmypc.net/filtering-specific-third-party-product-from-adrs-in-microsoft-sccm-patch-my-pc-update-catalog
Please let me know if you have any more questions or I missed something.
Thanks for your reply, I'm gonna check these videos and let the normal process run.