I'm getting the below error when this patch downloads. The site appears to be down.
Starting download for: https://1.na.dl.wireshark.org/win64/Wireshark-win64-2.6.2.exe Downloader 25/07/2018 07:59:32 6 (0x0006)
An error occurred while downloading the update: Unable to connect to the remote server Worker 25/07/2018 07:59:33 6 (0x0006)
URL https://1.eu.dl.wireshark.org/win64/Wireshark-win64-2.6.2.exe (https://1.eu.dl.wireshark.org/win64/Wireshark-win64-2.6.2.exe) is working for me, though.
Thanks, Dan
Thanks for reporting. We think they may be blocking access to some CDN if you aren't in that region. We are looking to provide a more generic URL for the download.