The ConfigMgr Technical Preview 1806 adds a new feature to show third party update catalogs in the console without the need for SCUP at all (yay!)
I assume that some action is required by the catalog author because only the HP catalog is supported at the moment.
The release notes at state that
- The list of catalogs in the Third-Party Software Update Catalogs node of the Configuration Manager console is dynamic, and will be updated as additional catalogs are available and supported
- Don't mix the use of other tools such as SCUP with this new integrated third-party software update feature. The third-party software update synchronization service can't publish content to metadata-only updates that were added to WSUS by another application, tool, or script, such as SCUP. The Publish third-party software update content action fails on these updates. If you need to deploy third-party updates that this feature doesn't yet support, use your existing process in full for deploying those updates.
What is required for PatchMyPC to be included in the ConfigMgr console?
Quote from: troyphil on June 10, 2018, 11:45:26 PM
The ConfigMgr Technical Preview 1806 adds a new feature to show third party update catalogs in the console without the need for SCUP at all (yay!)
I assume that some action is required by the catalog author because only the HP catalog is supported at the moment.
The release notes at state that
- The list of catalogs in the Third-Party Software Update Catalogs node of the Configuration Manager console is dynamic, and will be updated as additional catalogs are available and supported
- Don't mix the use of other tools such as SCUP with this new integrated third-party software update feature. The third-party software update synchronization service can't publish content to metadata-only updates that were added to WSUS by another application, tool, or script, such as SCUP. The Publish third-party software update content action fails on these updates. If you need to deploy third-party updates that this feature doesn't yet support, use your existing process in full for deploying those updates.
What is required for PatchMyPC to be included in the ConfigMgr console?
The product group needs to allow custom catalog URL's this is something they have confirmed will be added, but it's not available in the 1806 TP. We aren't sure if it will make 1806 or maybe 1810. I talk about it in more detail in this video: