With the the updates for LibreOffice 5.4.4 and GoodSync, there appears to be an error with the detection. The two upates have installed on all targeted systems irrespective of previous versions of the applications being currently installed, so there appears to be an issue with the detection rules which are both 'read-only'.
Since we tier the release of updates over several days, these have only been installed on about 500 systems. In the mean time, I've pulled to two updates until the issue with the detection can be resolved. Please fix this as soon as possible.
We are looking into this. We haven't been able to RePro this or heard any issues from other customers.
I've attempted to attach a screen shot from SCCM which shows that the number of systems requiring these two updates is much higher than we have installs. The numbers requiring the updates are LibreOffice (8,713) and GoodSync (7,810). This appears to support a problem with the detection mechanism for them since we had only a handful of systems with these two apps.
I'm working on remediating the installs (scripting an uninstall). I've removed both from deployment, however we still need to fix the catalog/published items so that this doesn't reoccur. How would you suggest that we proceed on this?
Actually we just noticed there is a new version of GoodSync just released "That uses the same D/L" and LiberOffice has changed something in their installer therefore the hashes has changed, we will fix this too. Both will be fixed in a few hours in today's catalog update, sorry about the inconvenience :)
We just released today's catalog update, it should fix everything :) Please let us know if you still have problems.