I'm looking for a report that will scan a collection name aka device group for all 3rd party applications related to SCUP\PatchMyPC catalog that are installed? Example: I have 10 workstations in a group. I need a report to tell me all the 3rd party apps that are installed on those workstations and the version numbers. And the report would use the PatchMyPC\SCUP apps for the criteria for the apps to scan the group for.
I've been digging around the PatchMyPC reports for something like this and I can find OS updates when I drill down. But I cannot find all 3rd party apps installed and their versions for a specific collection name aka device group.
Anyone know how I can get that report?
Thanks in advance!
I know I can use 04 - Installed Third-Party Applications report. It lets me select the collection name but then it only allows me a drop down for the app display name to select a single 3rd party app at a time. What I need is to select all and then run the report. that would work.
Anyone know how to modify report 04 to select all 3rd party apps in that list?
I've tried to modify both reports 04 and 06 to allow the product in 06 and Display Name in 04 to allow multipule values but it doesn't come up with anything even though I know some of the apps I'm selecting on my list are installed on my collection. And if I run the report for single apps it works. So I'm going to keep looking but any help is appreciated.
I've even tried separating the apps by semi colon like so but no luck. Just blank or error.
7-Zip;Adobe Acrobat Pro;Adobe Air;Adobe Flash Player
Andy K
So far all I can see to do is run report 04 on the same collection aka device group over and over and over for each app. Then I'd need to manually collect all that data and place it into my own report saying this device collection has these 3rd party apps installed, therefore I need to updated X these 3rd party apps. That might take a few hours and can but done but it would be really great if I could get a single report to do the work for me.
Anyone with custom report skills that could help me build that?
Another issue is if I run report 04 over and over for each app I also have about 4 device groups. So lets say 4 groups, I count 67 3rd party apps right now, so that's 268 reports I'd need to compile info for :(
Andy K
Attached below is a screen shot of my custom report that allows multiple Display Name values for report 04. But when I select more than 1 I get this error below:
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Stack Trace:
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ServerReport.ServerUrlRequest(Boolean isAbortable, String url, Stream outputStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ServerReport.InternalRender(Boolean isAbortable, String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection urlAccessParameters, Stream reportStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.AsyncMainStreamRenderingOperation.RenderServerReport(ServerReport report)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.AsyncRenderingOperation.PerformOperation()
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportViewer.AsyncReportOperationWrapper.PerformOperation()
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ProcessingThread.ProcessThreadMain(Object arg)
Query execution failed for dataset 'Chart'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
Stack Trace:
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ServerReport.ServerUrlRequest(Boolean isAbortable, String url, Stream outputStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ServerReport.InternalRender(Boolean isAbortable, String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection urlAccessParameters, Stream reportStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.AsyncMainStreamRenderingOperation.RenderServerReport(ServerReport report)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.AsyncRenderingOperation.PerformOperation()
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportViewer.AsyncReportOperationWrapper.PerformOperation()
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ProcessingThread.ProcessThreadMain(Object arg)
Incorrect syntax near ','.
Stack Trace:
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ServerReport.ServerUrlRequest(Boolean isAbortable, String url, Stream outputStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ServerReport.InternalRender(Boolean isAbortable, String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection urlAccessParameters, Stream reportStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.AsyncMainStreamRenderingOperation.RenderServerReport(ServerReport report)
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.AsyncRenderingOperation.PerformOperation()
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportViewer.AsyncReportOperationWrapper.PerformOperation()
at Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ProcessingThread.ProcessThreadMain(Object arg)
We will look into this request. Having a search for 70+ titles will likely be to resource intensive for SQL.
Yes I agree it will probably be pretty SQL intensive but even if it takes 5 or even 10 minutes for this report to gather all the data and put it into a report. That will still be 10,000 times faster than me running all the reports separately one by one then putting all the data into a single report manually. My primary site server is also my report server so it a brand new 2012 R2 VM with a lot of hardware. So I'm not worried about pushing it too hard. It only runs at 4% when I run other large reports. Its a nice quick server.
I have 317 servers in my device group that I need to know all the 3rd party apps on and their version. Then I'll go and uninstall what is NOT needed or approved. What is left I'll update. But to get that info I'd need to run 76 reports on the device group with 317 servers in it. I guesstamate that would take a few days. And I'll need to run this report once a month to verify its all keeping secured.
Thanks again for your help! If there is anything I can do please let me know.
Andy K
Who created the current PatchMyPC reports? Who ever did them did a great job! It seems like whoever created those would have the knowledge and experience to create what I'm looking for as well.
Hey Andy,
I created (Modified really from the update dashboard reports Gary Simmons originally created). I will look into what this would take and the SQL impact it would have. This will likely take awhile to do will update you accordingly.
Quote from: EntrustDatacard on December 06, 2016, 09:54:55 AM
Who created the current PatchMyPC reports? Who ever did them did a great job! It seems like whoever created those would have the knowledge and experience to create what I'm looking for as well.
Thanks Justin I really appreciate the help! I'm sure I won't be the only one who will use this report once completed. Again let me know if I can help at all.
Andy K
I've also talked to Justin about how the new report should work. Email details below:
Thanks for the feedback we will keep this in mind when looking at creating the reports.
Patch My PC Support
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From: Andy Konczak [mailto:
[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2016 8:10 AM
To: Patch My PC Support <
[email protected]>
Subject: RE: SCUP Catalog - Technical Support - Entrust Datacard
Oh and one other thing IÔÇÖve thought of. If you do go ahead and create this report, which I really really hope you do, could you make it so you can either select all or select say 2 apps or select 5 or 10 etc? IÔÇÖd like to be able to take a device group then at first run against all the 3rd party PatchMyPC app list. Then once IÔÇÖve verified most are not even installed IÔÇÖd like to run again just the ones that are to save SQL time etc. Then in the future when there are only a few 3rd party apps still left IÔÇÖd like to be able to select just a few. So maybe a check box type of search for the apps against a device group. Something like that would be amazing! Thanks!
Andy Konczak
I've gone through and manually run the 04 and 06 reports against the device groups I needed to. I have well over 150+ reports exported now. I've taken all the info and complied it into an Excel spreadsheet. Below is an example of what I've done. If you could put this detail in the new report your building and more that would be great. Thanks!
Any update on this one? Its been about a month and a half since I made the request and I was told it will work. I'd like to save myself a few hours of time having to run all these reports again soon.
Andy K
Hi Andy,
We have a beta report available for version 1.1. At this point, we have added all the additional applications that wasn't in version 1.0.
I am still looking into a merged report that shows all apps. Right now, the way the programs are listed in the database and the wildcard method needed to check all apps may make it not possible to do in the current structure of the report.
We will see what me can do.
Where can I get a copy of PatchMyPC Reports v1.1 beta? Thanks again for looking into this. I appreciate all the help!!
I get what your saying. One thing that might be nice is instead of choosing all the applications default for a report. Let us choose multiple apps for the reports. Do a check box next to each application so if I want to check all the apps and let SQL run for a few hours I can. Or if a manager needs to know, What versions of Adobe AIR, Flash and Reader do we have running on the desktops right now. I can go in check all 3 and run the version report. I know you'll find a way. Thanks again let me know if I can help out at all.
Andy K
I just sent you the link to the beta reports via email.
I got the link and have downloaded the new reports. Thanks!
I'll let ya know what I see when I get time to install them. I have a bunch of customized stuff that I wanna move around and clean up first so I'll let ya know.
Andy K
So right now the following apps are still not in Beta 1.1:
Those were missing:
FileZilla Client
Lenovo System Update
ProgrammerÔÇÖs Notepad
Tableau Reader
VMware Workstation
We will likely have an updated report today with them.
Ok thanks for the info. I'm not going to install the install files you gave me then until all the apps are added. Thanks for the heads up!
Andy K
So any idea if your going to build the new report(s) with all the apps in a single interface or not? Or if I can select multiple apps for a single report?
Andy K
It definitely won't be in version 1.1. We will see what we can do in future updates, but the way the contains SQL statement works we might not be able to do it.
Quote from: EntrustDatacard on February 01, 2017, 03:31:18 PM
So any idea if your going to build the new report(s) with all the apps in a single interface or not? Or if I can select multiple apps for a single report?
Andy K
So what if you allowed multiple apps to be selected and not one by one? Example my manager needs to know what versions of Adobe AIR, VLC Player and Notepad++ and what workstations they are installed on currently. I can run 3 reports just fine but it would be really nice to be able to just select all 3 apps and run the version report and then the details report. Any chance of doing that? Thanks again for helping out. I'm sure i'm getting annoying :) but I appreciate you assistance.
Andy K
That is what we are looking into. Doing multiple apps within a contains SQL statement might be challenging.
Quote from: EntrustDatacard on February 02, 2017, 08:01:29 AM
So what if you allowed multiple apps to be selected and not one by one? Example my manager needs to know what versions of Adobe AIR, VLC Player and Notepad++ and what workstations they are installed on currently. I can run 3 reports just fine but it would be really nice to be able to just select all 3 apps and run the version report and then the details report. Any chance of doing that? Thanks again for helping out. I'm sure i'm getting annoying :) but I appreciate you assistance.
Andy K
Quote from: Patch My PC Support on December 06, 2016, 09:08:52 AM
We will look into this request. Having a search for 70+ titles will likely be to resource intensive for SQL.
Can you explain what is patchup my pc, is this custom OS or software to control software updates
Did you guys ever take a look at a report that I can get for multiple 3rd party apps at once? I know this thread is kinda old but we still need this. I have been tasked to look at all the 3rd party apps to see what versions were running. To do that I need to run a report for each app one by one. As mentioned in the post I'd really like a way to select multiple apps at once. Let me know if you guys have looked into this request.
Reply #22 on: February 02, 2017, 10:23:15 AM ┬╗
That is what we are looking into. Doing multiple apps within a contains SQL statement might be challenging.
Hey Andy,
We are looking to release updated report very soon. I will keep you posted.
Great thanks Justin!! I appreciate it!
Great Martin can you teach me how to create a report that will scan a specific device group for ALL 3rd party apps?
Justin any update? I'm running outta time. Either I run the reports one by one again or you guys come up with an update that will allow me to select multiple apps at once. Any update or ETA at all for the next report release? I check the forum almost everyday looking for updates :)
Quote from: EntrustDatacard on March 21, 2018, 08:16:02 AM
Great Martin can you teach me how to create a report that will scan a specific device group for ALL 3rd party apps?
Justin any update? I'm running outta time. Either I run the reports one by one again or you guys come up with an update that will allow me to select multiple apps at once. Any update or ETA at all for the next report release? I check the forum almost everyday looking for updates :)
Sorry for the delay on the reports. We just did a revamp of the website and this got put on the back burner. We are looking to get new reports out this week that support Server 2016 and updated app listing for the new apps since the original release. I'm not sure if multiple apps with be included. You can use the dashboard and break into apps released by month.
Thanks for the info! If you could shoot me a link to the new reports when they come out I'd appreciate it.
Quote from: EntrustDatacard on January 25, 2017, 08:12:59 AM
Where can I get a copy of PatchMyPC Reports v1.1 beta? Thanks again for looking into this. I appreciate all the help!!
I get what your saying. One thing that might be nice is instead of choosing all the applications default for a report. Let us choose multiple apps for the reports. Do a check box next to each application so if I want to check all the apps and let SQL run for a few hours I can. Or if a manager needs to know, What versions of Adobe AIR, Flash and Reader do we have running on the desktops right now. I can go in check all 3 and run the version report. I know you'll find a way. Thanks again let me know if I can help out at all.
Andy K
I just sent you a link with the beta reports back from 1/24/17. The only changes where: "- New applications that have been added into the SCUP catalog since the 1.0 release are now included in the products for report "04 - Installed Third-Party Applications".
The new SCUP just released today: https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/enterprisemobility/2018/03/21/system-center-updates-publisher-adds-support-for-new-oses/ so right now our priority is getting migration and installation documentation up for that by tomorrow: https://patchmypc.net/documentation. In today's catalog update, we are now using the new SCUP format to improve speed on imports and ability to include all certs at import. There are actually some pretty cool features we will cover in the updated documentation guides. Hopefully, we will have the reports done sometime next week to include all the new application for report 4 and support for Server 2016 in the dashboard reports.
So if I run a catalog update today you guys are already up to date? If so great job! I just downloaded SCUP v6.0.278.0 I'll install that when I get time. Once I install that I'll update the catalog so we have the latest and greatest. Thanks for all your hard work. Much appreciated!
Quote from: EntrustDatacard on March 22, 2018, 08:09:15 AM
So if I run a catalog update today you guys are already up to date? If so great job! I just downloaded SCUP v6.0.278.0 I'll install that when I get time. Once I install that I'll update the catalog so we have the latest and greatest. Thanks for all your hard work. Much appreciated!
Yes! We started to use the updated format to improve importing speed and include certificates in yesterday's catalog update 3/21/18 (Note: New CAB format is still compatible with SCUP 2011 you just won't get the speed and cert improvements).
We had been working with Preview 2 and the product group for some time around this though. We did get the migration guide posted yesterday: https://patchmypc.net/documentation and some more info here: https://patchmypc.net/system-center-updates-publisher-update-march-2018
Let me know if you have any question around the update or migration! We are pretty excited about this.
- Justin
I just did the upgrade and WOW did that go smooth. The migration was literally as easy as clicking next! Good work and nice video! I haven't published anything using the updated version but will soon. Good work!
I'm a little surprised they changed the install dir and they new SCUP version is a completely different app instead of just updating the old app. But its kinda nice to have the old 5.00.1727 and the new 6.0.278.
I know you guys have a lot on your plate with this so just let me know when the new reports come out, as you said hopefully next week.
Quote from: EntrustDatacard on March 22, 2018, 09:11:25 AM
I just did the upgrade and WOW did that go smooth. The migration was literally as easy as clicking next! Good work and nice video! I haven't published anything using the updated version but will soon. Good work!
I'm a little surprised they changed the install dir and they new SCUP version is a completely different app instead of just updating the old app. But its kinda nice to have the old 5.00.1727 and the new 6.0.278.
I know you guys have a lot on your plate with this so just let me know when the new reports come out, as you said hopefully next week.
I just emailed you a release candidate for our V2.0 update. Please let me know if thing work ok for you or if you find any issues.
Thanks. Not sure if I'll get any time today but will next week. I'll let you know if I have any issues.
Have you had a change to play around with these yet?
Nope sorry busy with other things. I'm hoping tomorrow or Thursday.
I just got the new reports installed thanks! They installed quickly and easily so thanks for that!
#1 - I was wondering if there is a way to get report "06 - Installed Third-Party Applications Detailed" to be able to instead of searching for text with wildcards that we could have all the Patch My PC apps pre-loaded. Example: Have the option to select the apps just like in the 04 report?
#2 - If we can get my ask above, can we also be able to select multiple apps at once for the 06 report????? For example I want to know all the Java versions so Java 6, 7 and 8 all at once??? As you know I've been asking for this one for 2 years 4 months and 18 days :P If you look back on my second post on this thread was back on December 5th 2016!!! Crazy! At that time I was literally asking for the same thing I am here. I accidentally said the 04 report but I meant the 06 report. I need the detailed list of devices with the 3rd party apps installed. The 04 chart report would be cool as well. To be able to select say 5 apps and have it give me 5 different reports would be great. But I know that would be much harder to figured out then to simple modify the 06 report to be able to select multiple apps at once. Then I could export to excel and filter each. Right now I have to run a report for each app and that gets old quick.
#3 - If we can't get the predefined list of Patch My PC apps to be able to select in report 06, is there a way to do so using wildcards? Example I want to search for all java versions as well as say CutePDF. In the display name field for the 06 report could I enter "%java 6%, %java 7%, %java 8%, %CutePDF%" ?
Thanks for the feedback, we will look into this. We are pretty busy the next few weeks preparing for the new publishing service https://patchmypc.net/introducing-a-preview-of-our-third-party-update-publishing-service-for-sccm, but will keep this on our teams radar.
on December 05, 2016, 02:37:24 PM I posted my first request on this forum. Ironically its close the same things I'm asking for today. If it can't be done that's find just please let me know it cannot be done and I'll drop it. But I keep getting told we'll take a look but nothing ever comes of it. I really appreciate all the work you guys have done! This isn't a negative post. I just wanna know yes or no. Thanks.
I never got a reply from question #3 I had:
#3 - If we can't get the predefined list of Patch My PC apps to be able to select in report 06, is there a way to do so using wildcards? Example I want to search for all java versions as well as say CutePDF. In the display name field for the 06 report could I enter "%java 6%, %java 7%, %java 8%, %CutePDF%" ?
Hey Andy,
Sorry for the lapse of response on this item. We do want to get this added at some point in the future. Our team has been focused on some other items around our publishing service and ensuring we are ready to support the SCCM in-console integration for third-party updates. I'm sure it's possible to add multiple like statements in the SQL report, but we just haven't had the cycles to get this completed yet. I'm sorry I don't have a more firm answer on when this might be done. We did get the V2 reports released though with the new supported apps and support for Windows Server 2016 in the dashboards.
- Justin Chalfant
Thanks for the info Justin. Again I really do appreciate all the help you guys have provided. Have a great day I look forward to future correspondence.