Starting ScriptRunner (V2.1.12.0) with 1 argument(s) ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Current culture info name is: en-GB ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (Admin) ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Working directory: C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\198 ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) System path is C:\WINDOWS\System32 ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Argument #1 is: /InstallPackage Arguments 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Inspects argument: installpackage Arguments 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Installation mode requested Arguments 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) App installation mode requested. ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Ready to install: [Oracle Corporation] - [Oracle Java 8 (x86)] - [8.0.3610.9] ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Command-Line argument for Script-Runner is: /MainFile=jre-8u361-windows-i586.exe../MainArg=/s../RecommendedPreScriptPath=PatchMyPC-Remove-JRE8-32bit-Only.ps1../RecommendedPreScriptAbortOnFail ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Argument #1 is: /MainFile=jre-8u361-windows-i586.exe Arguments 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Inspects argument: mainfile=jre-8u361-windows-i586.exe Arguments 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) MainFile is: jre-8u361-windows-i586.exe Arguments 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Argument #2 is: /MainArg=/s Arguments 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Inspects argument: mainarg=/s Arguments 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) MainArg is: /s Arguments 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Argument #3 is: /RecommendedPreScriptPath=PatchMyPC-Remove-JRE8-32bit-Only.ps1 Arguments 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Inspects argument: recommendedprescriptpath=patchmypc-remove-jre8-32bit-only.ps1 Arguments 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) RecommendedPrescriptPath is: PatchMyPC-Remove-JRE8-32bit-Only.ps1 Arguments 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Argument #4 is: /RecommendedPreScriptAbortOnFail Arguments 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Inspects argument: recommendedprescriptabortonfail Arguments 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) RecommendedPrescriptAbortOnFail is: True Arguments 23/08/2023 14:53:00 1 (0x0001) Looking if application installation process need to be aborted due to running process ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 14:53:01 1 (0x0001) No need to abort due to the running processes ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 14:53:01 1 (0x0001) Running script PatchMyPC-Remove-JRE8-32bit-Only.ps1 ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 14:53:01 1 (0x0001) Running PowerShell Script. ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 14:53:01 1 (0x0001) Running C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file "PatchMyPC-Remove-JRE8-32bit-Only.ps1" ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 14:53:01 1 (0x0001) Exiting With code: 0 ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 14:53:02 1 (0x0001) Running application install: jre-8u361-windows-i586.exe with arguments: /s PerfTimerLogger 23/08/2023 14:53:02 1 (0x0001) Installation file has run, exit code is: 0 ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 15:00:06 1 (0x0001) Running application install: jre-8u361-windows-i586.exe with arguments: /s finished with Elapsed Time: 07 minutes 03 seconds 894 milliseconds PerfTimerLogger 23/08/2023 15:00:06 1 (0x0001) Cleaning up Notification RegKey ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 15:00:08 1 (0x0001) Cleaning up Notification folder ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 15:00:08 1 (0x0001) End of installation. Exit code is: 0 ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 15:00:08 1 (0x0001) End of Script Runner. Exit code is: 0 ScriptRunner 23/08/2023 15:00:08 1 (0x0001)