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Messages - Spencer (Patch My PC)

You're welcome, sir and thank you for sharing the workaround!

Please let us know if that works for you in case other customers are in the same situation! :)
Hey Robert,

Apologies for the delay here! I wrote up a response a couple of days ago but I guess it didn't go through!

Since GIT is installed in the user profile then we won't be able to remove it at this time. I would recommend looking into PSADT script which do support running processes in the user profiles and can be configured to remove those user based applications.

You can then tie that PSADT package as a pre-script along with our Machine installer packages to remove the user variants and replace them with the machine wide installers.




Hey Robert,

Thank you for your patience here! I confirmed with our App team that Git does not offer a User based installer at this time. It's possible you may be using an older version that was installed in the user context which the Machine installation packages can't detect.

You can verify the offerings by GIT here: https://git-scm.com/downloads/win

Let me know if you have a link to the user version or where that may have been sourced/installed from?
Got it, thank you for that insight! Unfortunately, the supported versions of GIT in our catalog are for the machine wide installers. I can reach out to our app team and see if we can get the user-based version added or if there is some blocker preventing us from adding it.

In the meantime, can you please request that product on our uservoice page:

Hey Robert,

Thanks for reaching out on the forum!

At this time, we don't support detection of apps that are installed in the user profiles. We are limited to only detect products that make an uninstall registry entry in either HKLM or HKCU. If the exe resides in the %AppData% without an uninstall registry entry, then our products won't be able to detect those.

We are working on improving this behavior however, I don't have a firm timeline as to when that will be available.

I would recommend looking at alternative methods for those products such as PSADT as that solution supports install/detection under the user context.
Hey James,

Thanks for reaching out to support!

That is expected behavior as all content deployed from SCCM is downloaded to the local cache (CCMCache). Updates are then copied over to the SoftwareDistribution folders since that's what the WUA uses to process the updates. Products that do not have any right-click options enabled on them from the PMPC Publisher, will not output logging info in the scriptrunner.log

It's possible, content was cleared out in the CCMCache for those updates but left over in the SoftwareDistribution folder.

We can also look at the following ConfigMgr logs (like CAS.log which will show you if ConfigMgr downloaded the file and WIndowsUpdate.log (which will show you if the WUA downloaded the file).


I also came across this post from Jason Sandies indicating the same behavior:

Hey jdugger,

Thanks for reaching out on the forum!

The hash error is typically caused when the vendor releases a new version of their product that we have yet to validate add release to our catalog.

The current version in our catalog now: Microsoft Power BI Desktop 2.137.751 (x64)

The latest version available from Microsoft is: 2.137.952.0 (Which was released today 10/22)

I would expect this to be added to the catalog no later than today (5pm est)!

You can stay on top of catalog releases by subscribing to our newsletter here:

If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to reach back out! 😊
Hello There,

Thanks for reaching out!

The main issue we see with Zoom and updates not being applicable is due to the installed variant of Zoom being the User-based installer. We do support the user-based version of Zoom in our catalog which you can deploy as an update to patch those versions.

You can also deploy the update (install/required) and application (uninstall) for Zoom (User) to remove that version and replace it!

If you would like us to further troubleshoot this issue, then we'll need to take a look at the following log files:

When troubleshooting Intune application installation errors on a client, we will need multiple client logs. Please include the following logs:

This may be found in the %ProgramData%\PatchMyPC\ if the Install was initiated by the user from Company Portal.

If there are any rolled over logs, please include those, too.

Note: Some Patch My PC log files listed above may be found in %WinDir%\CCM folder if that folder exists.

We'll also need the registry export from this script to determine what variant of Zoom is installed on those clients:


You can upload the logs to our sharepoint here: www.patchmypc.com/share

Or you can email [email protected] with those logs as well!


Spencer Cruz
Hello There!

Thank you for reaching out on the forum!

This issue occurs because Mozilla keeps two versions of the Extended Support Release (ESR) version of Firefox live for three-point releases whenever they issue a major ESR release:
An older stable version.
A newer version that is potentially unstable but can be rapidly stabilized by Mozilla as issues are resolved.

Please see the following link for why Firefox ESR has not been updated to that "Latest" ESR build:


Let me know if you have further questions! 😊
Hey There,

Thanks for reaching out on the forum! For the Microsoft Update section to work you'll need to have configured your clients to pull Windows Updates from WUfB (Windows Update for Business) instead of WSUS.

The inventory extension will then poll that data from your clients and will be able to populate that dashboard!

More information on this can be found in our docs below:
Hello there!

I just wanted to let you know that the changes for this have been made in the catalog and the default option for this product in MCP is to "Skip" the install. We thank you for bringing this to our attention!

Let me know if you run into any issues or have further questions!
They shouldn't notice the switch when deploying our package! The new version will install over top and will not affect user sessions. 😊

Thank you for reaching out here!

The vanilla version Edge (Included with windows) is missing registry values that Patch My PC uses to determine the architecture and branch of the Edge install. The best workaround here would be deploying the Edge application to devices. Once the MSI is installed once, then updates should become applicable.

This is also mentioned on our Known Issues page for reference:
This has been resolved! Kofax DL files needed for PMPC can be found under the 'Power PDF Advanced Volume – All Versions' link on the first page once you've logged into the Download site. You'll then need to accept an EULA to get to the main download page. On that second page, scroll down to the very bottom under the 'Patch' section. There is where you can find the .zip files containing the proper MSI package.

Email has been sent to you with screenshots and instructions! 😊
Hey Phil,

Thanks for reaching out to support! Can you please confirm what version of Kofax you're trying to publish?

If you're unable to source the correct package, then I would suggest reaching out to the vendor to confirm if you have access to that specific version of the product.


Can you also confirm that this is where you're trying to access the files:

You can send screenshots to my email via [email protected]