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Messages - Scott (Patch My PC)

Hey @PaulKlerkx

Yes, that is mostly correct.

The only amendment is that one you create the dependency in ConfigMgr, Provided you have the Publishers default to update existing ConfigMgr apps in place, we will retain that dependency going forward.


Here you will see "When a new application update is available" - This would need to be set as default.
Hi Paul

I'm unsure whether you are using ConfigMgr or Intune, but both platforms have the ability to chain dependencies, which instructs the platform to install applications in a specific order.

You can read more about ConfigMgr dependencies here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/configmgr/apps/deploy-use/create-applications#bkmk_dt-depend
You can read more about Intune dependencies here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/intune/apps/apps-win32-add#step-5-dependencies

These are things you configure directly in each platform, but you cannot configure these within Patch My PC.
Hey Pappi

We have a work item internally to resolve this by adding a list of new allowed characters, but we are at the mercy of what characters Intune supports and we need to figure out what that list is!

In the mean time, I suggest simply removing the illegal character from the display name of the application when adding it to the custom apps portal


Python 3.9.19 was released on March 19, but not for Windows devices. This was only released for Linux based operating systems.
Hi PaulReid

That is correct, however they are no longer releasing updates for Windows installers which is why we have removed them.

Python 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9 are now end of life and no longer receive updates from the vendor.

Following Patch My PC's end of life policy, these applications have been declined in our catalogue and will be removed in due course.

You can no longer create Python 3.7, 3.8 or 3.9 using Patch My PC's Publisher.

Hey Oliver

My apologies, I relayed some incorrect information in my previous email!

The issue itself is not with Advanced Insights and will not be resolved by todays Advanced Insights release.

The issue is actually with the Inventory Extension app in the Patch My PC Catalogue, which will have a fix released in todays catalogue release between 1300 and 1700 EST.

This will be fixed in todays release of Advanced Insights.
Hey @Jimmy_O

This looks to be a CDN issue from Adobe. We've had a few customers report this issue, and have been able to reproduce the issue internally in some regions, but not in others.

Unfortunately, this is largely out of our control and is up to Adobe to resolve, however, we do have a temporary fix you could use if you wish.

We've uploaded the correct file to our Sharepoint, here - https://patchmypc-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/p/liviu/EV32YN8M6m5IvZOS45lFCKEB0joZrATHFmJsWRGb1CbZNw?e=ZAueQr

You can place this file in your local content repository, which will allow the Publisher to create that update for you - https://patchmypc.com/local-content-repository-for-licensed-applications-that-require-manual-download
Hi @fanceth

Can you please reach out to [email protected] for this request, as we'll require more information to process this request.

Sure, I can't really comment on why Microsoft have flagged it, it's not information that we have access to.
Hey @Jimmy_O

We scan every new version of every application through Virus Total and publish the scan results in our catalogue and website release notes.

You can see the scan results for version 3.66.5 x64 here - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/b5dc1c1a5d7112d19f225d14b0ba7e704994d619e6b2767be341cbeca885d933

There are 2 versions of FileZilla available, one sponsored and one not. We use the unsponsored one, which is clear and no longer being flagged by Microsoft (Based on reports from another customer who flagged this issue yesterday).

You are safe to deploy FileZilla from Patch My PC
Please reach out to https://patchmypc.com/technical-support about this issue, it will be easier to review the information required to determine the root cause of this issue.

Please review this KB article, https://patchmypc.com/forticlientvpnmsi#v7.0.x

The download for Forticlient VPN 7.0.x requires a support contract with Fortinet now, it is no longer freely downloadable. Please ensure that you have logged into the correct portal and downloaded the correct MSI.