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Topics - GeoSimos

Hello PMPC team,

Apologies for the bold request in the subject, it was reported to me from a fellow DBA colleague that the latest version of "Oracle MySQL Workbench Community Edition 8.0.40 (x64)" has issues connecting to data sources. He has investigated further and the developers admitted that they omitted authentication plugins from the latest build as stated here Workbench 8.0.40 Authentication plugin not loaded.
Please remove it from your metadata for updates and new/updated applications as it will be replaced, also it would be great if a supersedence is set to version 8.0.38 for the updates as it will make easier the downgrade.

With regards

From time to time, Acrobat's auto update internal process is misbehaving and errors out.
In order to raise the compliance percentage, we are investigating the possibility to push updates through our PMPC service.
However, the initial installation of Acrobat Pro is happening via SCCM and the usage of an MST customization file.
The question here is, if we have to apply the MST file also when we update the product, does it make sense or it is not required from your experience PMPC engineers?

Thank you
Dear moderators,

I was checking the options to change my profile's avatar and in the list there is an option named [custom], while I was browsing through I realised that those are the uploaded avatars of the forum's members.
I would like to request you to hide this option because it is exposing personal data to other users without consent.

Thank you
Hello PMPC Team,

As always, thank you for your great product and support.

I have both runtimes selected (for both architectures) in the ConfigMgr apps list, their updates are also served, the issue I'm facing is that when Visual Visual C++ 2015-2022 runtime is installed and subsequently Visual C++ 2015-2019 update tries to install, it fails because the 2015-2022 version is newer and supersedes it.
I would like to propose the following:
1) The detection rules of 2015-2019 should detect the newer version(s) and skip the installation for a full app or an update.
2) In the PMPC GUI, there must be a blocking function that grays out and deselects (if selected) the older version if a newer is superseding it (for the 2015-xxxx ones). Also a message to remove the old application would be nice.

Do these proposals make sense to you?
Are the above feasible?

With regards,
George Simos

I'm in the process of replacing multiple versions of KeePass (1.x and 2.x, MSI and EXE Setups) with the latest one that is based on MSI installer.
However, I don't have all the previous versions covered by PatchMyPC due to quite old installations, manual ones and the application retention I have set in the publisher.
Because I have either on hand or have located and downloaded all the installers needed, I have created respective applications to be superseded by the latest one but also provide the uninstall command to remove the old ones.
I wanted to use the ability of the "Interactive user notifications" feature in PatchMyPC and use the binaries and modified Package.XML and Detection Scripts as the base of these applications (something that I have done a couple of times succesfuly so far and it is really cool).
However, setting the notification settings and republishing the content for the latest application's version, I noticed in Package.XML the following (sample application based on the Setup.exe installer):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <VendorName>Dominik Reichl</VendorName>
  <ProductName>KeePass v1 - EXE Install</ProductName>
  <AppNameFilter>KeePass Password Safe%</AppNameFilter>
  <CommandLine>/MainFile=KeePass-1.40-Setup.exeÿ"/MainArg=/VERYSILENT /NOCLOSEAPPLICATIONS /NORESTARTAPPLICATIONS /NORESTART /SP- /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES"ÿ/BlockingProcessPolicy=Notifyÿ/UserNotificationTimeout=120ÿ/PreventConflictingProcessRestartÿ/NotificationPolicy=AutoCloseÿ/FocusAssistPolicy=DiscardNotificationÿ"/ApplicationName=KeePass v1 - EXE Install"ÿ/[b]ApplicationID=2e630e69-0b39-4b2b-a6c0-3cc3bf8b551b[/b]ÿ/KillProcessList=KeePass.exeÿ/ShortcutFileName=KeePassÿ/LoggingSwitch=/LOG={path}ÿ/PrefixInstallLogÿ/LoggingPath=C:\windows\ccm\logs\PatchMyPCInstallLogsÿ/LogRetentionDays=28</CommandLine>

So the ApplicationID is something I haven't noticed before (as it isn't present if you don't use the user notifications feature), I wanted to ask the following:
1) Is this GUID generated arbitrary or not
2) If not, is it related to any files accompanying the applications such as the .exe, .msi, .dll ones?
3) Last but not least, if it isn't related, can I create one by myself to add it in the applications created by me, in order to leverage your solution's functionality?

Thank you.

The VMWare tools should not be available for Windows 2008 Server OS because VMware removed support some time ago.

With regards