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Topics - SirBlizZ

Hello guys,
thanks for the awesome work!

We have this bug with the Teamviewer versions of the MSI file since version 15.7.

In PatchMyPC the TeamViewer 15 (MSI) entry is checked, not the Teamviewer host.

Following upload error occures, when you put the Teamviewer_Full.msi in the upload folder:
The digest of the local content file doesn┬┤t match the expected one.

The productcode of the version 15.18.4 is: {CA6AA10A-D462-4933-822F-FB4881B89A16}

<![LOG[Updating Intune update: Update for TeamViewer 15.16.8 (MSI) [] with TeamViewer 15.18.4 (MSI) [d03386d6-aa59-4176-887d-4193fc1869f2]]LOG]!><time="09:35:08.409+000" date="05-28-2021" component="Worker" context="" type="1" thread="6" file="">
<![LOG[Searching TeamViewer_Full.msi in C:\PMPC-Repository or one of its subfolders]LOG]!><time="09:35:08.456+000" date="05-28-2021" component="Downloader" context="" type="1" thread="6" file="">
<![LOG[The local file is: C:\PMPC-Repository\TeamViewer_Full.msi]LOG]!><time="09:35:08.456+000" date="05-28-2021" component="Downloader" context="" type="1" thread="6" file="">
<![LOG[Successfully copied the update binary]LOG]!><time="09:35:08.502+000" date="05-28-2021" component="Downloader" context="" type="1" thread="6" file="">
<![LOG[The digest of the local content file doesn't match the expected one.]LOG]!><time="09:35:08.674+000" date="05-28-2021" component="Downloader" context="" type="2" thread="6" file="">
<![LOG[There is no online content for this file.]LOG]!><time="09:35:08.690+000" date="05-28-2021" component="Downloader" context="" type="3" thread="6" file="">
<![LOG[Configured Download Timeout: 30 minutes and 0 seconds]LOG]!><time="09:35:08.721+000" date="05-28-2021" component="WebClientEx" context="" type="1" thread="6" file="">

If you need more information feel free to contact me.

Hope we can solve this issue :)
After installing Xmind the Detection goes to failed state.

The fix could be to change the version to the full version in the registry hive. This fixed my detection error:

Version 3.7.9 was not enough.

Hi Guys,
thanks for the awesome work. There is a WebEX Hash Error for version during download.

Thank you very much :)