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Java SE development kit/OpenJDK installing latest

Started by Robert Stein, May 21, 2024, 09:52:01 AM

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Robert Stein

We just started patching JDKs. Some users and app owners are reporting being switch from an LTS release such as 11 or 17 to 22 (or a newer LTS release such as 21).

One app owner admitted to telling users to remove the version folder and install to C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk\.  Would this type of customization of install location cause detection to see latest release instead of a targeted LTS release?

Kyle (Patch My PC)

Hello there,

The Java content in the catalog includes pre-defined scripts that handle the removal of previous versions before installing the deployed version. You can view these scripts by right-clicking on the content in the catalog. Depending upon what version/catalog entry you are Publishing and deploying, the "latest" catalog entry will remove any/all versions and install the latest version (ver. 22 currently). The version-specific entries (8/17/11/21/etc.) will only remove previous versions of what is selected, IE., the pre-defined script for ver. 8 will only remove the older version(s) of 8 and install the latest version of 8, and so on.

Hopefully, that clarifies the Java content, but if you have further questions, please let us know.

Robert Stein

If I want devices to stay on the same LTS release (11, 17, 21) is the solution to only deploy those releases and not deploy Latest?


Quote from: Kyle (Patch My PC) on May 21, 2024, 10:21:18 AMHello there,

The Java content in the catalog includes pre-defined scripts that handle the removal of previous versions before installing the deployed version. You can view these scripts by right-clicking on the content in the catalog. Depending upon what version/catalog entry you are Publishing and deploying, the "latest" catalog entry will remove any/all versions and install the latest version (ver. 22 currently). The version-specific entries (8/17/11/21/etc.) will only remove previous versions of what is selected, IE., the pre-defined script for ver. 8 will only remove the older version(s) of 8 and install the latest version of 8, and so on.

Hopefully, that clarifies the Java content, but if you have further questions, please let us know.

Can I update Java to a specific version without uninstalling previous installed versions? And what steps need to be taken with scripts for this?


Quote from: Pesmaa on June 17, 2024, 05:58:25 AM
Quote from: Kyle (Patch My PC) on May 21, 2024, 10:21:18 AMHello there,

The Java content in the catalog includes pre-defined scripts that handle the removal of previous versions before installing the deployed version. You can view these scripts by right-clicking on the content in the catalog. Depending upon what version/catalog entry you are Publishing and deploying, the "latest" catalog entry will remove any/all versions and install the latest version (ver. 22 currently). Users are advised not to delete folders themselves, but to stick to standard update procedures. Or try contacting Dashdevs company who specialize in fintech software development. If your field is related to finance, you need to ensure the stability and security of the system. The version-specific entries (8/17/11/21/etc.) will only remove previous versions of what is selected, IE., the pre-defined script for ver. 8 will only remove the older version(s) of 8 and install the latest version of 8, and so on.

Hopefully, that clarifies the Java content, but if you have further questions, please let us know.

Can I update Java to a specific version without uninstalling previous installed versions? And what steps need to be taken with scripts for this?

If I'm not mistaken, you need to update java_home and path to point to the new version of java