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Messages - PS_Alex


Quick question: for ".ps1" pre-scripts and post-scripts, is the interpreter always Windows Powershell? Looking at PatchMyPC-ScriptRunner.log, I can observe that:
Running script preinstall.ps1 ScriptRunner 2023-08-23 2:50:30 PM 1 (0x0001)
Running PowerShell Script. ScriptRunner 2023-08-23 2:50:30 PM 1 (0x0001)
Running C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file "preinstall.ps1" ScriptRunner 2023-08-23 2:50:30 PM 1 (0x0001)
Exiting With code: 0 ScriptRunner 2023-08-23 2:50:31 PM 1 (0x0001)

I have set nowhere which version of Powershell to prefer, so I'm assuming ScriptRunner is responsible of selecting the appropriate one. I'm wondering if it will always default to Windows Powershell, or if it might at some point detect that PS7 is present and use it, or if it looks at a favorite interpreter somewhere, etc. ?

Thanks, that's what I feared.

From what I understood of the Patch My PC product is that it downloads the latest updates from the various providers, creates an update/an application based on your instructions/customizations, and injects the newly-created objects in SCCM. Next, what you do with the objects is up to you, and Patch My PC is not aware of it. Hence it's inability to track installations.

I've been looking at adding a post-install script to my updates that would generate something after installation completes. I would prefer not to rely on SCCM for that; creating a custom WMI class for hardware inventory and adding an instance in it for every install could work, but I would lose stats on deleted devices. I was then messing with creating an event in Windows' events logs, and capture that using Microsoft Monitoring Agent/Azure Monitor Agent and feed it in Log Analytics, but I've been having issues with our proxy. That's why I asked if you had anything native to Patch My PC.

I'll submit an idea and see how people react to it.  :)
PATCHMYPC-I-2972 - Dashboard to track number of installations accomplished by Patch My PC
No problem, I'll try to find a device we have not remediated yet -- or simply replicate in lab, and send the logs tomorrow!
Hi all,

We are currently reviewing Patch My PC, and I've ben tasked to find a way to count the number of installation that were realized by a Patch My PC update or configmgr app. Is there a way I can track that kind of statistics?

Currently, we allow apps that rely on a native updater (i.e. Google Chrome, or Adobe Acrobat/Reader) to auto-update using their built-in mechanism. On top of that, we've enabled these updates in Patch My PC. We want to quantify the number of updates that were done by PmP vs those completed by the auto-update mechanism.

Thanks! :)

Publishing Console version

We enabled the ConfigMgr App Adobe Acrobat Reader DC MUI in order for Patch My PC to automatically generate an application during sync. We needed to add an MST transform file to the base installer, we stumbled upon Add an MST Transform to the Adobe Acrobat Reader Base Install in Patch My PC's knowledge base.

Wanting a better organisation of our files (separate scripts and resource files), instead of adding the MST file as an additional file in the Add custom pre/post update installation scripts window, we added a whole folder --which contains the MST file. Then, we customized the command line as with additionnal arguments TRANSFORMS="%CurrentDir%\res\AcroRead2.mst" /QN.

What we observed, though, is that installation of Acrobat Reader ended with exit code 1624 -- the MST file was not found at expected location. Looking at the command line run by the ScriptRunner, we could see that the Transforms argument has been modified to contain double-times the path to the CcmCache folder!

See attached screenshots.

Question: is this behavior something specific to Adobe Acrobat Reader? In the command line modification, does %CurrentDir% always resolves to C:\Windows\CCMCache\xx\C:\Windows\CCMCache\xx ?

(We ended up adding the MST file directly instead of as an additional folder, exactly as described in the knowledge base. Now, the installation works.)

So I'm new here in using Patch My PC.

Trying to use the latest Microsoft Power BI Desktop 2.104.941 (x64) software update as published in SCCM by Patch My PC to update current installs of PBI Desktop. I notice that the PBI Desktop installer proceed with a software uninstall before installing the newest release. This causes two behaviors I'm wondering how to work around:
- the software update would not install when an instance of Power BI Desktop is running, and there is no notification i.e. in the PBI Desktop's user interface to request the user to close the app. Thus, the software update installation fails;
- any customization made during an initial installation is lost. For example, here, we set the default language to French using the LANGUAGE=fr-FR installation option in our SCCM application; after the installation is completed, there is an HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Power BI Desktop:DefaultUICulture = fr-FR registry value. During the software update installation, I noticed that the whole Microsoft Power BI Desktop key is deleted, and after the software update is installed, the value of DefaultUICulture = en-US.

How do you guys work around these limitations?
Quote from: Admin - Omar on December 21, 2018, 10:30:33 AM
We are now using "DISABLE_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION=1" with the rest of the switches starting from today's catalog update for "Microsoft Power BI Desktop 2.65.5313.701" :)

I've just installed Power BI Desktop 2.104.941 (x64) third-party software update. When I observe the installation options in  C:\Windows\Temp\Microsoft_PowerBI_Desktop_(x64)_<date>_000_ProductMSI.log, I notice that DISABLE_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION="0". And in the registry, I don't find the expected HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Power BI Desktop:DisableUpdateNotification = 1 registry value after the update has completed.

I'm new to Patch My PC, so not sure if you have revised the command line options since 2018?