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Topics - AndAuf

up to 19.0 we were able to update our installations - obviously x86 installation. But 19.1 update is missing. And I have required = 0 although I have several 19.0 installations which ask their users to update.
looks like there is an issue with latest ghostscript update

=========================================================================================    ScriptRunner    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Starting ScriptRunner (V2.1.12.0) with 5 argument(s)    ScriptRunner    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Current culture info name is: de-DE    ScriptRunner    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Running as NT-AUTORIT..T\SYSTEM (Admin)    ScriptRunner    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Working directory: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\Install    ScriptRunner    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
System path is C:\WINDOWS\System32    ScriptRunner    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Argument #1 is: /MainFile=gs10010w64.exe    Arguments    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Inspects argument: mainfile=gs10010w64.exe    Arguments    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
MainFile is: gs10010w64.exe    Arguments    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Argument #2 is: /MainArg=/S /v/qn    Arguments    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Inspects argument: mainarg=/s /v/qn    Arguments    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
MainArg is: /S /v/qn    Arguments    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Argument #3 is: /norestart    Arguments    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Inspects argument: norestart    Arguments    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Unknown argument: norestart. 'norestart' doesn't match any known argument.    Arguments    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Argument #4 is: /RecommendedPreScriptPath=PatchMyPC-Remove-GPLGhostScript.ps1    Arguments    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Inspects argument: recommendedprescriptpath=patchmypc-remove-gplghostscript.ps1    Arguments    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
RecommendedPrescriptPath is: PatchMyPC-Remove-GPLGhostScript.ps1    Arguments    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Argument #5 is: /RecommendedPreScriptAbortOnFail    Arguments    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Inspects argument: recommendedprescriptabortonfail    Arguments    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
RecommendedPrescriptAbortOnFail is: True    Arguments    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Update installation mode requested.    ScriptRunner    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Looking if update installation process need to be aborted due to running process    ScriptRunner    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
No need to abort due to the running processes    ScriptRunner    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Running script PatchMyPC-Remove-GPLGhostScript.ps1    ScriptRunner    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Running PowerShell Script.    ScriptRunner    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Running C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file "PatchMyPC-Remove-GPLGhostScript.ps1"    ScriptRunner    23.03.2023 12:52:45    1 (0x0001)
Exiting With code: 0    ScriptRunner    23.03.2023 12:52:48    1 (0x0001)
Running update file: gs10010w64.exe with arguments: /S /v/qn    PerfTimerLogger    23.03.2023 12:52:48    1 (0x0001)
Aborted due to timeout.    ScriptRunner    23.03.2023 13:22:49    1 (0x0001)
Running update file: gs10010w64.exe with arguments: /S /v/qn finished with Elapsed Time: 30 minutes 01 seconds 127 milliseconds    PerfTimerLogger    23.03.2023 13:22:49    1 (0x0001)
An error occurred: Der Prozess muss vor dem Bestimmen der angeforderten Informationen beendet werden.
Void EnsureState(State)    ScriptRunner    23.03.2023 13:22:49    1 (0x0001)
End of Script Runner. Exit code is: -2146233079    ScriptRunner    23.03.2023 13:22:49    1 (0x0001)

guess the parameters changed

bad thing: the uninstall of the previous 9.x was already done :(
Hi all,

besides all the other flawlessly working applications, I really struggle in keeping OBS up to date with SCCM/PatchmyPC.

There are just too many dependencies like Teams/virtual camera, Creative Cloud Desktop,.... Of course everybody is using them all day long, so therefore without killing these processes, I will never be able to update OBS.

How did you guys handle this or did you just give up on OBS?
Hi all,

yes, this question is not caused by PatchmyPC itself, but I hope to find some others struggling with the very same problem.

If you use the Dell driver catalog with SCCM you might frequently stumble across driver updates which just don't work - most likely "not detected after installation completed".

So you can use PatchmyPC to actually have a look at the rules for those updates (sadly, you cannot edit them by now)

Let's have a look at this driver, I am currently struggling with:

This is the IsInstalled rule
  <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_OEMComputerSystem WHERE SystemTypeID = '2230' OR SystemTypeID = '2231' OR SystemTypeID = '2232' OR SystemTypeID = '2233' OR SystemTypeID = '2234' OR SystemTypeID = '2235' OR SystemTypeID = '2272' OR SystemTypeID = '2273' OR SystemTypeID = '2274' OR SystemTypeID = '2281' OR SystemTypeID = '2328' OR SystemTypeID = '2329' OR SystemTypeID = '2330' OR SystemTypeID = '2331' OR SystemTypeID = '2332' OR SystemTypeID = '2342' OR SystemTypeID = '2343' OR SystemTypeID = '2344' OR SystemTypeID = '2345' OR SystemTypeID = '2350' OR SystemTypeID = '2351' OR SystemTypeID = '2352' OR SystemTypeID = '2353' OR SystemTypeID = '2354' OR SystemTypeID = '2355' OR SystemTypeID = '2356' OR SystemTypeID = '2357' OR SystemTypeID = '2358' OR SystemTypeID = '2359' OR SystemTypeID = '2360' OR SystemTypeID = '2361' OR SystemTypeID = '2365' OR SystemTypeID = '2370' OR SystemTypeID = '2371' OR SystemTypeID = '2379' OR SystemTypeID = '2381' OR SystemTypeID = '2431' OR SystemTypeID = '2432' OR SystemTypeID = '2435' OR SystemTypeID = '2436' OR SystemTypeID = '2437' OR SystemTypeID = '2438' OR SystemTypeID = '2439' OR SystemTypeID = '2440' OR SystemTypeID = '2441' OR SystemTypeID = '2442' OR SystemTypeID = '2443' OR SystemTypeID = '2444' OR SystemTypeID = '2462' OR SystemTypeID = '2463' OR SystemTypeID = '2464' OR SystemTypeID = '2465' OR SystemTypeID = '2466' OR SystemTypeID = '2468' OR SystemTypeID = '2469' OR SystemTypeID = '2470' OR SystemTypeID = '2471' OR SystemTypeID = '2472' OR SystemTypeID = '2473' OR SystemTypeID = '2474' OR SystemTypeID = '2475' OR SystemTypeID = '2490' OR SystemTypeID = '2491' OR SystemTypeID = '2493' OR SystemTypeID = '2494' OR SystemTypeID = '2496' OR SystemTypeID = '2497' OR SystemTypeID = '2498' OR SystemTypeID = '2499' OR SystemTypeID = '2500' OR SystemTypeID = '2502' OR SystemTypeID = '2505' OR SystemTypeID = '2508' OR SystemTypeID = '2509' OR SystemTypeID = '2550' OR SystemTypeID = '2591' OR SystemTypeID = '2592' OR SystemTypeID = '2593' OR SystemTypeID = '2594' OR SystemTypeID = '2606' OR SystemTypeID = '2607' OR SystemTypeID = '2608' OR SystemTypeID = '2609' OR SystemTypeID = '2610' OR SystemTypeID = '2611' OR SystemTypeID = '2612' OR SystemTypeID = '2613' OR SystemTypeID = '2614' OR SystemTypeID = '2615' OR SystemTypeID = '2616' OR SystemTypeID = '2622' OR SystemTypeID = '2623' OR SystemTypeID = '2624' OR SystemTypeID = '2625' OR SystemTypeID = '2626' OR SystemTypeID = '2629' OR SystemTypeID = '2630' OR SystemTypeID = '2631' OR SystemTypeID = '2632' OR SystemTypeID = '2633' OR SystemTypeID = '2642' OR SystemTypeID = '2643' OR SystemTypeID = '2644' OR SystemTypeID = '2645' OR SystemTypeID = '2646' OR SystemTypeID = '2647' OR SystemTypeID = '2651' OR SystemTypeID = '2662' OR SystemTypeID = '2663' OR SystemTypeID = '2664' OR SystemTypeID = '2665' OR SystemTypeID = '2666' OR SystemTypeID = '2717' OR SystemTypeID = '2718' OR SystemTypeID = '2753' OR SystemTypeID = '2754' OR SystemTypeID = '2755' OR SystemTypeID = '2756' OR SystemTypeID = '2757' OR SystemTypeID = '2758' OR SystemTypeID = '2759' OR SystemTypeID = '2760' OR SystemTypeID = '2761' OR SystemTypeID = '2762' OR SystemTypeID = '2763' OR SystemTypeID = '2764' OR SystemTypeID = '2818' OR SystemTypeID = '2819' OR SystemTypeID = '2820' OR SystemTypeID = '2821' OR SystemTypeID = '2822' OR SystemTypeID = '2823' OR SystemTypeID = '2824' OR SystemTypeID = '2825' OR SystemTypeID = '2826' OR SystemTypeID = '2827' OR SystemTypeID = '2828' OR SystemTypeID = '2829' OR SystemTypeID = '2830' OR SystemTypeID = '2831' OR SystemTypeID = '2832' OR SystemTypeID = '2833' OR SystemTypeID = '2834' OR SystemTypeID = '2837' OR SystemTypeID = '2838' OR SystemTypeID = '2839' OR SystemTypeID = '2840' OR SystemTypeID = '2857' OR SystemTypeID = '2858' OR SystemTypeID = '2859' OR SystemTypeID = '2954' OR SystemTypeID = '2955' OR SystemTypeID = '2956' OR SystemTypeID = '3009'" />
      <bar:WindowsVersion Comparison="EqualTo" MajorVersion="10" MinorVersion="0" ServicePackMajor="0" ServicePackMinor="0" />
      <bar:Processor Architecture="9" />
      <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE OSBuildNumber &gt;= '0'" />
        <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE OSBuildNumber &gt;= '0'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0AA7_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0AA7_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0020.0100.0010.0007'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0A2B&amp;REV_0010_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0A2B&amp;REV_0010_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0029&amp;REV_0000_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0029&amp;REV_0000_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0029&amp;REV_0001_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0029&amp;REV_0001_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0AAA&amp;REV_0000_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0AAA&amp;REV_0000_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0AAA&amp;REV_0001_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0AAA&amp;REV_0001_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0AAA&amp;REV_0002_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0AAA&amp;REV_0002_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0025&amp;REV_0001_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0025&amp;REV_0001_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0025&amp;REV_0002_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0025&amp;REV_0002_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0A2B&amp;REV_0001_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0A2B&amp;REV_0001_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0026&amp;REV_0000_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0026&amp;REV_0000_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0026&amp;REV_0001_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0026&amp;REV_0001_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0026&amp;REV_0002_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0026&amp;REV_0002_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0032&amp;REV_0000_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0032&amp;REV_0000_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0032&amp;REV_0001_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0032&amp;REV_0001_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0033&amp;REV_0000_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0033&amp;REV_0000_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0033&amp;REV_0001_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0033&amp;REV_0001_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
          <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0A2A_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_USB\VID_8087&amp;PID_0A2A_~') AND VersionString &gt;='0020.0100.0010.0007'" />
      <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_103306__' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_103306__~') AND VersionString &gt;= '0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
      <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_8087_0026_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_8087_0026_~') AND VersionString &gt;= '0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
      <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_8087_0029_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_8087_0029_~') AND VersionString &gt;= '0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
      <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_8087_0A2B_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_8087_0A2B_~') AND VersionString &gt;= '0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
      <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_8087_0025_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_8087_0025_~') AND VersionString &gt;= '0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
      <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_8087_0A2A_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_8087_0A2A_~') AND VersionString &gt;= '0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
      <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_8087_0AAA_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_8087_0AAA_~') AND VersionString &gt;= '0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
      <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_8087_0032_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_8087_0032_~') AND VersionString &gt;= '0022.0130.0000.0002'" />
      <bar:WmiQuery Namespace="Root\Dell\sysinv" WqlQuery="SELECT * FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE (Description &gt;= 'Dell:DRVR_8087_0033_' AND Description &lt; 'Dell:DRVR_8087_0033_~') AND VersionString &gt;= '0022.0130.0000.0002'" />

Do you know an easy way to manually check these rules? Without manually taking line by line, decoding to plain text?

I mean.. I can start by using (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "Root\Dell\sysinv" -query "SELECT description FROM Dell_SoftwareIdentity WHERE Description like 'Dell:DRVR_%'").Description look for matching IDs and go on and on. But maybe you had the same issues and actually found an easier solution. :)
I have PMPC on a Win 2012R2 and I cannot download e.g. the Tableau Update, because my 2012R2 and the tableau.com server have no TLS ciphers in common.

tableau.com offers three ciphers and none of them is available to 2021R2 (IE, Powershell)

PS C:\> Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing https://www.tableau.com
Invoke-WebRequest : The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
At line:1 char:1
+ Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing https://www.tableau.com
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-WebRequest], WebExc
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand

PS C:\>

Is there a way to use Firefox for downloading content?
Citrix Files' autoupdater wants to install a newer version than PatchmyPC catalog is aware of.
I wondered, why so many of my machines have 0x80240022 in wuahandler.log for some days now. Some hours later, I think I found the reason: the context Citrix Workspace App was installed with

There are two ways to install it initially:
- as User
- as Administrator/SYSTEM

If a user is offsite and wants to access your Citrix resources, he can install the Workspace App from citrix.com on his own - no special privileges required. Which actually is great.
But if he did so, the updater started in SYSTEM context by SCCM cannot install the update anymore. Which REALLY sucks.

This means, before SCCM/PatchmyPC can update the Workspace App, it has to uninstall any old version first.
If I start the "Modify Update Wizard", it looks for quite a while and then displays "No updates to work with".
I am no on version
When the feature was first released, I also opened the wizard and it loaded faster and showed all the updates.
I also can't click anything.

Are there logfiles or anything where I can look for an error?

I know, it is semi-OT, but I think the community here can help.

As we started using PatchmyPC now, I want to remove the old Adobe update catalogs from SCCM. What's the best way to do this?
I already stopped the subscription, but all the updates remain on disk and in database.
Simply remove the vendor from SUP? What happens to all the downloaded and deployed files? Will they be auto-revoked/removed? Do I need to delete every single deployment? Do I need to delete the software update groups? Change the ADR so they are all no more applicable and run it again?

I really like what your SCUP-catalog does. But I have a question.

So let's say, I have some applications deployed to my machine
- IrfanView: Detection method %ProgramFiles%\IrfanView\i_view64.exe Version Greater than or equal to XXX
- JavaRE: Detection method MSI ID XXX
- FileZilla: Detection method %ProgramFiles%\FileZilla FTP Client Version equals XXX

If PMP updates these applications, can I be sure that SCCM itself does no try to re-apply the base application?