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DigestFailed & LocalFileMissing

Started by sonis718, August 23, 2023, 09:06:13 AM

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Hi All,

My first Post!

I saw this asked in the ConfigMgr context, but hoping can be helped when working with intune.

I have multiple apps and updates being packaged and uploaded to intune just fine, however others are encountering two distinct errors:

1. I assume "LocalFileMissing" means i have to provide my own installation media and put it in a folder?
I just done know what folder that is.

2. As far as "DigestFailed" - I have no clue and was hoping to get assistance.

Below is a section of my logs:

*** Failed :    
Google Chrome 116.0.5845.97 (x64) has failed to be Created into Intune: DigestFailed   
Cisco Secure Client AnyConnect VPN 5.0.04032 has failed to be created into Intune (using local content): LocalFileMissing   
Cisco Secure Client Start Before Login Module 5.0.04032 has failed to be created into Intune (using local content): LocalFileMissing   
TeamViewer 15.45.3 (MSI-x64) has failed to be created into Intune (using local content): LocalFileMissing   
TeamViewer Host 15.45.3 (MSI-x86) has failed to be created into Intune (using local content): LocalFileMissing   
Google Chrome 116.0.5845.97 (x64) has failed to be Created into Intune: DigestFailed   
Cisco Secure Client AnyConnect VPN 5.0.04032 has failed to be created into Intune (using local content): LocalFileMissing   
Cisco Secure Client Start Before Login Module 5.0.04032 has failed to be created into Intune (using local content): LocalFileMissing   
TeamViewer 15.45.3 (MSI-x64) has failed to be created into Intune (using local content): LocalFileMissing   
TeamViewer Host 15.45.3 (MSI-x86) has failed to be created into Intune (using local content): LocalFileMissing



I identified the "LocalFileMissing" is related to placing the file into the folder configured under the "Local Content Repository" on the "Advanced" Tab.

The Digest Error resolved itself but i would still like to know what causes it and if its something that is user error and can be helped.