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Messages - GeoSimos

Coming back for this, the best way to get the Model Name for a deployment type (for one or multiple applications) is by using the SCCM powershell cmdlets.
Get-CMDeploymentType -ApplicationName "KeePass*" | Select-Object -Property LocalizedDisplayName, CI_UniqueID, ModelName | Out-Gridview
You can omit the CI_UniqueID but it is a good thing to have and compare with ModelName.

Thank you again Jake!
Hi Jake,

Thank you for the quick response, I will check the Deployment Type ID if it matches and will revert if needed.

I'm in the process of replacing multiple versions of KeePass (1.x and 2.x, MSI and EXE Setups) with the latest one that is based on MSI installer.
However, I don't have all the previous versions covered by PatchMyPC due to quite old installations, manual ones and the application retention I have set in the publisher.
Because I have either on hand or have located and downloaded all the installers needed, I have created respective applications to be superseded by the latest one but also provide the uninstall command to remove the old ones.
I wanted to use the ability of the "Interactive user notifications" feature in PatchMyPC and use the binaries and modified Package.XML and Detection Scripts as the base of these applications (something that I have done a couple of times succesfuly so far and it is really cool).
However, setting the notification settings and republishing the content for the latest application's version, I noticed in Package.XML the following (sample application based on the Setup.exe installer):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <VendorName>Dominik Reichl</VendorName>
  <ProductName>KeePass v1 - EXE Install</ProductName>
  <AppNameFilter>KeePass Password Safe%</AppNameFilter>
  <CommandLine>/MainFile=KeePass-1.40-Setup.exeÿ"/MainArg=/VERYSILENT /NOCLOSEAPPLICATIONS /NORESTARTAPPLICATIONS /NORESTART /SP- /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES"ÿ/BlockingProcessPolicy=Notifyÿ/UserNotificationTimeout=120ÿ/PreventConflictingProcessRestartÿ/NotificationPolicy=AutoCloseÿ/FocusAssistPolicy=DiscardNotificationÿ"/ApplicationName=KeePass v1 - EXE Install"ÿ/[b]ApplicationID=2e630e69-0b39-4b2b-a6c0-3cc3bf8b551b[/b]ÿ/KillProcessList=KeePass.exeÿ/ShortcutFileName=KeePassÿ/LoggingSwitch=/LOG={path}ÿ/PrefixInstallLogÿ/LoggingPath=C:\windows\ccm\logs\PatchMyPCInstallLogsÿ/LogRetentionDays=28</CommandLine>

So the ApplicationID is something I haven't noticed before (as it isn't present if you don't use the user notifications feature), I wanted to ask the following:
1) Is this GUID generated arbitrary or not
2) If not, is it related to any files accompanying the applications such as the .exe, .msi, .dll ones?
3) Last but not least, if it isn't related, can I create one by myself to add it in the applications created by me, in order to leverage your solution's functionality?

Thank you.
Between us, the Teams "machine wide" installer is not such a thing, what it does is a staging of the installation and then a per-user install when the user logs on. Pretty weird for Microsoft's standards if you ask me..... :o
Great! That was lightning fast! Thank you again Andrew!

The VMWare tools should not be available for Windows 2008 Server OS because VMware removed support some time ago.

With regards