Hi, in case no-one has picked it up, I thought I should point out for devices with a dual battery like the Dell Latitude 7220 Rugged Extreme; the AI dashboard only shows data for one battery.
I have a script that does various queries of machines and writes that data to network logs.
one of the things that it does is check the health of the batteries and write that to the logs if they are below 70%. it writes back for both batteries for these machines.
Someone pointed out the missing battery in AI when I was explaining the script to them.
If of use, the battery count can be achieved with Powershell using.
$Batterycount = @(Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Battery).Count
I have a script that does various queries of machines and writes that data to network logs.
one of the things that it does is check the health of the batteries and write that to the logs if they are below 70%. it writes back for both batteries for these machines.
Someone pointed out the missing battery in AI when I was explaining the script to them.
If of use, the battery count can be achieved with Powershell using.
$Batterycount = @(Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Battery).Count