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Messages - PaulKlerkx

Hi, in case no-one has picked it up, I thought I should point out for devices with a dual battery like the Dell Latitude 7220 Rugged Extreme; the AI dashboard only shows data for one battery.
I have a script that does various queries of machines and writes that data to network logs. 
one of the things that it does is check the health of the batteries and write that to the logs if they are below 70%.  it writes back for both batteries for these machines. 
Someone pointed out the missing battery in AI when I was explaining the script to them.   

If of use, the battery count can be achieved with Powershell using.
$Batterycount = @(Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Battery).Count


Short story,
This is just an FYI update in case anyone sees the same issue. 
Our inventory extensions v1.5.3 deployment was failing, and it appears to be because of the pmpc defined recommended pre-script entry.  After I ticked the checkbox for "Disable the patch my PC recommended pre-update script for this product, the installs started working again. 

More info
I sent the installer of v1.5.3 to 4 devices to test before going site wide and they all failed.  (Attached InventoryExtensions-MCMDeploymentFailure.jpg)

The msi log file says that it installed successfully
MSI (s) (54:20) [12:45:02:953]: Product: Inventory Extensions -- Installation completed successfully.
MSI (s) (54:20) [12:45:02:954]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Inventory Extensions. Product Version: Product Language: 2057. Manufacturer: Patch My PC. Installation success or error status: 0.

The app doesn't appear in Apps and features.

there is a pre-updatescript configured in the PMPC publisher referring to V1.4,(attached "Pre-UpdateScript.jpg)

patchmypc-scriptRunner.log indicates a problem getting to the script
Can't find script: PatchMyPC-AdvancedInsightsFix14.ps1   ScriptRunner   12/09/2024 10:04:41 AM   1 (0x0001)
Aborting application installation process because the recommended prescript script has failed.   ScriptRunner   12/09/2024 10:04:41 AM   1 (0x0001)
Copying installation log to \\sccm01\logging\PatchMyPC\InstallationFailures...   ScriptRunner   12/09/2024 10:04:41 AM   1 (0x0001)
\\sccm01\logging\PatchMyPC\InstallationFailures\NB44730-InventoryExtensions.msi.log copied   ScriptRunner   12/09/2024 10:04:41 AM   1 (0x0001)
End of installation. Exit code is: 32768   ScriptRunner   12/09/2024 10:04:41 AM   1 (0x0001)

Hi, we seem to have some weirdness happening with Google Chrome and retention.  See PMPC-Chrome01.jpg - showing multiple versions in console and deployment still remains on an old version.  PMPC-Chrome02.jpg shows we only have retention of 1 version set. I have verified the settings on the app are "As defined in ConfigMgr apps" as well.   

PMPC log shows this - Note the part at the end where it can't find the directory. 
7/08/2024 8:57:58 PM Processing Installable Application: 47/98. (Google Chrome 127.0.6533.100 (x64)) 8 (0x0008)
7/08/2024 8:57:58 PM The application [Google Chrome 127.0.6533.100 (x64)] meets the criteria for enabled products based on the search pattern [Include: Google Chrome%x64%] [Exclude: %EXE%] 8 (0x0008)
7/08/2024 8:57:58 PM Resolving content paths for Google, Inc.:Google Chrome (x64) 8 (0x0008)
7/08/2024 8:57:58 PM Finished resolving content paths for Google, Inc.:Google Chrome (x64). A total of 0 related content directories were found. 8 (0x0008)
7/08/2024 8:57:58 PM Found that [Path: \\corp\cm\Updates\PatchMyPC\Applications\Google, Inc_\Google Chrome (x64)\4bd2bd01-4679-4746-971f-821a3568a772] does not exist. Will begin processing application [Google Chrome 127.0.6533.100 (x64)] 8 (0x0008)
7/08/2024 8:57:58 PM Creating a new ConfigMgr application for: Google, Inc. [Google Chrome 127.0.6533.100 (x64)] 8 (0x0008)
7/08/2024 8:57:58 PM Google Chrome 127.0.6533.100 (x64) exists in ConfigMgr,
but the content source folder
\\corp\cm\Updates\PatchMyPC\Applications\Google, Inc_\Google Chrome (x64)\4bd2bd01-4679-4746-971f-821a3568a772
wasn't found. 
8/08/2024 11:03:21 AM Removing PublishNow flag for Google Chrome 127.0.6533.100 (x64) 8 (0x0008)

PMPC-Chrome03.jpg shows the directory exists but it is in a subfolder called "retained"

We have a similar thing happening with MS Edge Webview, MS Edge, Notepad++, VLC Media Player and Zoom Workplace.  other apps seem to be OK. 

Any thoughts on how I fix this other than manually?
Hi, we had a specific scenario that caused the zscaler uninstall not to work.  Posting here in case it helps others.  We deployed zscaler to all devices, then identified that some devices being display machines with generic logins were getting an authentication prompt which was never acknowledged.  We pushed the PMPC Zscaler uninstall and it failed on all.  identified that there were a couple of processes missing from the executable list in the deployment type.  Once added, the uninstalls started happening. 
These should all be added if not there already


Last two are the missing ones
somebody just reminded me that Broadcom have bought Vmware and pretty much demolished all things vmware in the transition, so there is likely a broken link involved there somewhere. 
Hi, first my questions - Where do I find documentation on "known Errors" and how do I resolve the 522 error?

Our daily emails have this error (shown in Screenshot "Error 522.jpg") and I'm not sure why.
Error 522, but the link indicated doesn't include any information about this error. 

The "code" below appears to be the relevant part of the patchmypc.log file, indicating to me that there is no issue with "VMware Workstation Pro 17 17.5.1 (EXE-x64) " unless it is maybe a minor version change within 17.5.1. 
I have verified that the files exist.  Shown in "VmwareWorkstation files.jpg" Screenshot. 

15/05/2024 9:55:22 PM Processing Installable Application: 24/101. (VMware Workstation Pro 17 17.5.1 (EXE-x64)) 8 (0x0008)
15/05/2024 9:55:22 PM The application [VMware Workstation Pro 17 17.5.1 (EXE-x64)] meets the criteria for enabled products based on the search pattern [Include: VMware Workstation Pro 17 % (EXE-x64)] 8 (0x0008)
15/05/2024 9:55:22 PM Resolving content paths for VMware, Inc.:VMware Workstation Pro 17 (EXE-x64) 8 (0x0008)
15/05/2024 9:55:22 PM Identified latest release of VMware, Inc.:VMware Workstation Pro 17 (EXE-x64) at the expected path of [\\corp\cm\Updates\PatchMyPC\Applications\VMware, Inc_\VMware Workstation Pro 17 (EXE-x64)\c96dd81f-3821-4c13-bb2e-1bd8ed6e64d0] 8 (0x0008)
15/05/2024 9:55:22 PM Finished resolving content paths for VMware, Inc.:VMware Workstation Pro 17 (EXE-x64). A total of 1 related content directories were found. 8 (0x0008)
15/05/2024 9:55:22 PM Found source content for [VMware Workstation Pro 17 17.5.1 (EXE-x64)] [\\corp\cm\Updates\PatchMyPC\Applications\VMware, Inc_\VMware Workstation Pro 17 (EXE-x64)\c96dd81f-3821-4c13-bb2e-1bd8ed6e64d0] - checking if ConfigMgr application exists 8 (0x0008)
15/05/2024 9:55:22 PM The application: [VMware Workstation Pro 17 17.5.1 (EXE-x64)] is already created with source folder [\\corp\cm\Updates\PatchMyPC\Applications\VMware, Inc_\VMware Workstation Pro 17 (EXE-x64)\c96dd81f-3821-4c13-bb2e-1bd8ed6e64d0] 8 (0x0008)

not sure if it is related, but for some we get the type of thing shown in the screenshot - two apps with the same name and version and the deployment remains on the older iteration. 
Hi, we have a bunch of these type of messages in our PatchMyPC.log.  (for various applications)

An error occurred while processing postponed application update. Could not find file 'D:\Program Files\Patch My PC\Patch My PC Publishing Service\PostponedBinaries\a95d0b1f-5b21-466d-a4fe-8abeef851538\InventoryExtensions.msi'. [D:\Program Files\Patch My PC\Patch My PC Publishing Service\PostponedBinaries\a95d0b1f-5b21-466d-a4fe-8abeef851538]

I have verified, that MSI does not exist.  the norm for these appears to be that there will be two files "appinfo.xml" and "sdp.xml"

I did a search for all exe and msi files in these directory and got a total of 7 of the guid type directories out of 17 that have an installer of these types, the other 10 just have the two files. 

Do I need to do anything here or can the errors be ignored?

same for handbrake on first run.  "would you like to allow handbrake to automatically check for updates"
Keepass also gives a "enable automatic update check" message when starting it for the first time. 
side note, I've just gone into "help - about" in google chrome after a fresh install of V124.0.6367.61 and it has done a self-update too. 
Hi, we have "Disable self-updater" set at "All Products" level, however after installing Audacity 3.5.0, it prompts that "Audacity 3.5.1 Alpha is available with an "install update" button.  Is this expected behaviour, or is there something I have missed to stop this popup?