I'm setting up pre and post scripts to log to the event viewer when PMPC installs or updates an app (Intune). I am trying to pass the vendor name and product name but PMPC is passing some odd string instead of actual app and vendor names. I have only tested with Amazon Workspace, but before I test more I want to know if this is normal and should be expected
In order...
-MyParameter "%VendorName%, %ProductName%, %Version%, %PackageID%"
QW1hem9uIFdlYiBTZXJ2aWNlcywgSW5jLg== QW1hem9uIFdvcmtTcGFjZXM= 7d614a86-0cfc-44ff-b9e2-d13fa6c64a27 0
In order...
-MyParameter "%VendorName%, %ProductName%, %Version%, %PackageID%"
QW1hem9uIFdlYiBTZXJ2aWNlcywgSW5jLg== QW1hem9uIFdvcmtTcGFjZXM= 7d614a86-0cfc-44ff-b9e2-d13fa6c64a27 0