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I love PSADT and we have it doing lots of fun tricks. That said, rather than sourcing a big workaround here, do it natively or use a different psadt function. I'm typing on a phone so please forgive bad syntax.

To wit:

I'd put the old msi in the SupportFiles folder.

Then, I would make a pre-install step that checked for the existence of the old app, whether by wmi query or just a test path or file version or date or reg path or whatever feels best.

Then either:
Execute-Msi -action "uninstall" -path "$dirSupportFiles/msiname.Msi"

Or just do it with native powershell, something like
Start-process "msiexec.exe" ArgumentList "/x $dirSupportFiles/msiname.exe /qn /l*V c:\logpath\log.log"

Either way reference the old msi in the package contents. Wee bit sloppy but then you don't need to use supersedence or guid's  or worry about cached msi availability or distribution point content of retired apps or any of that mess. 

Thanks Andrew.

I did go ahead and publish the latest version for testing. We never update agents in place so I suppose it won't hurt me to always let it do bleeding edge updates, splunk is just weird. 9 to 9.1 introduced breaking changes, which is probably why you have it as a separate app! Then they iterated 9.1.4 to 9.2 in less than a month.

Appreciate the responses!
So if you are always going to the latest version of Splunk, ie: going from 9.1 to 9.2 when it is released, you should stick with latest. If you stick on a specific release for an extended period of time, choose that release instead, then move your customizations over.

You could also publish both, then pick and choose which one to deploy based on your needs, but that may get too complicated.

I can also confirm that we will be adding a separate entry for 9.2 to the catalog early next week.

That is interesting, it seems like there was an issue when trying to publish the postponed binaries that left you in this state. The best thing to do in this situation would be to delete the existing apps and their content and have Patch My PC recreate them on the next sync.

If you notice a really recent date on one of these apps, feel free to open a case with our support and send over the logs and we might be able to determine why creating the app failed.
Hey Vbate !

Keeping you updated that this has been updated in our catalog yesterday. You will see the latest version now.
not sure if it is related, but for some we get the type of thing shown in the screenshot - two apps with the same name and version and the deployment remains on the older iteration. 
Hi, we have a bunch of these type of messages in our PatchMyPC.log.  (for various applications)

An error occurred while processing postponed application update. Could not find file 'D:\Program Files\Patch My PC\Patch My PC Publishing Service\PostponedBinaries\a95d0b1f-5b21-466d-a4fe-8abeef851538\InventoryExtensions.msi'. [D:\Program Files\Patch My PC\Patch My PC Publishing Service\PostponedBinaries\a95d0b1f-5b21-466d-a4fe-8abeef851538]

I have verified, that MSI does not exist.  the norm for these appears to be that there will be two files "appinfo.xml" and "sdp.xml"

I did a search for all exe and msi files in these directory and got a total of 7 of the guid type directories out of 17 that have an installer of these types, the other 10 just have the two files. 

Do I need to do anything here or can the errors be ignored?

Thanks to you both.

Splunk, at least ours, requires a lot of customization. I'm afraid to let it go latest because our infrastructure policies mean we can't go bleeding edge until a burn in period is over unless there's a critical vuln to mitigate—but also, no unnecessary changes for the sake of changes especially with agents.

But...every time a new minor version is a new app, I have to redo the customizations.

I suppose I should let it roll with latest and change how I'm deploying it? Maybe I'm overthinking it.
We'll also be investigating if 9.2 needs to be added as its own product, which I believe it will be!
Hey KLUSA! The last several Webex updates have had a staggered release across their CDN, so some regions are seeing different downloads than others.

One workaround is to manually download the content and place it in the Local Content Repository path. If you drop an email to [email protected], I can send you a specific download link to guarantee you get the correct version.