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General Questions (Free Home Updater) / Size column for uninstaller
Last post by prajwaldesai - November 23, 2024, 08:53:48 AM
Hi Team,

Well done, Home Updater app is super useful. My recommendation would be to add a Size column for the program uninstaller. For instance, the size column would be useful if I wanted to uninstall the apps that were consuming a lot of space. It would also be fantastic to have the ability to arrange the apps by size.

Prajwal Desai
Report Bugs and Issues (Free Home Updater) / Re: Sliding Box
Last post by Melon - November 23, 2024, 03:28:14 AM
now it's gone. I think it was because of this option?

Report Bugs and Issues (Free Home Updater) / Sliding Box
Last post by Melon - November 23, 2024, 03:13:37 AM
Hi, when I minimize Patch my PC in the taskbar, a sliding box appears that cannot be removed.
Quote from: Michael (Patch My PC) on November 22, 2024, 05:29:34 PMWhile it may not be ideal, you can technically install a second instance of the Publisher on a different server and control the Apps from there

Thanks for the response, Michael.

This was one of my 'what if' solutions, that I wasn't sure was covered under the licence terms.  What I've actually done in the interim is just disable ConfigMgr Apps in Publisher (deselect Enable creation of ConfigMgr Apps) and added myself a task to re-enable it late on Patch Tuesday before hitting the Sync Now button.

We've republished many times.
Hey PDowell,

Currently there is not a way to have separate sync schedules for either Apps/Updates.

There is the below 'IDEA' over on our Feature Request page for this. I would suggest giving this a Vote so that you are subscribed and notified should the feature get added.

While it may not be ideal, you can technically install a second instance of the Publisher on a different server and control the Apps from there.
Hi PRABB32256,
Did you initially not have the 'defer' option set, and then added it after the Update was already Published?

If you made the change after, you will need to Republish the Update so that the Defer option is within the package files.
Hey iamr00t,

QuoteDo the command switches referenced in the Adobe article you provided work with PatchMyPC?
Regarding this question, No. That's because the 'Installer' for the Reader products are not the 'Unified' installer.

QuoteThe main issue is, I have been seeing the downloader adobe uses is a bit buggy and visibly throws an error during the upgrade process from Reader to Pro. Not great from an end-user perspective.
This is interesting. I haven't heard this issue before regarding the download being buggy.

QuoteThe idea here would be to install (but not activate) the optional components embedded in the local installer rather than relying upon the upgrader to download the Acrobat Std/Pro content from Adobe.
Right now the only 'PatchMyPC' way to do this would be to create a 'Custom App' of the Unified Installer with the switches you want, but will probably also require a Post-Script to set the 'bIsSCReducedModeEnforcedEx' registry Value so that it can run in 'Reader' mode.

This would allow you have Acrobat installed and support both Pro/Reader. And our 'Pro' Updates should update this version as well.

Let me know if this gets you on the right track. If you need some additional Assistance, PM me.
General Questions (Free Home Updater) / "Portable" apps
Last post by dschulze747 - November 22, 2024, 04:15:41 PM
When PatchMyPC says "portable" apps, I assume that means a program that has no installation program with it? To "install" it, you just copy/paste it into a folder where you want it? This also means it doesn't need to consult the registry? Right?

I have a few programs like that. I put them in a folder called "Stand-Alone", and each program has its own folder under "Stand-Alone". How do I get PatchMyPC to recognize those programs? By default, it seems to be creating a folder on my Desktop called "PortableApps". I tried changing this to my "Stand-Alone" folder. But so far, PatchMyPC is not verifying any of my portable apps.

I am new at using PatchMyPC, so I am trying to find my way around.
Hey iamr00t,
Apologies, I've missed the notifications from this thread. Let me read through your responses and get back to you.