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Messages - StPendl

Find the MSI error codes at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/msi/error-codes
Have you rebooted your system to resolve any hanging installation?
New definitions today, so another try?
Do you use the latest release of PMPC and the latest definitions, see image attached?
Some plug-ins are removed due to incompatibility with the latest Notepad++ release.
This is described in the release notes of Notepad++ or the support forum of Notepad++.
It is not an issue with PMPC.
New updates that are released over the weekend are added to the PMPC catalog on Monday, since the PMPC developers need a free weekend too ;-)
This software will not install, it is just one executable file.
Download the file to a selected location and run it, this should show if it works or not.
I only had success running it on Windows 7 and higher, the XP release did not work due to missing features on my XP system.

Also read through the common questions at the bottom of the page at https://patchmypc.com/home-updater
You should check this in the PMPC application, since PMPC uses its own information, see the uninstaller section and use it to remove any additional OBS installation.
Sorry the image is empty, so nothing to look at.
Some anti virus software will always mark some files as false positive.

Since it is just 1 out of 69 at virus total, there is no risk.
General Questions (Free Home Updater) / Re: Java
February 08, 2022, 01:05:07 PM
For MSI based installers the exit codes are described at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/msi/error-codes by the vendor of MSI Microsoft.
MalewareBytes seems to use the InnoSetup installer, so you may find information about the return code in the MalewareBytes forum, if it is a custom return code or in the InnoSetup documentation, if it is a regular return code.
General Questions (Free Home Updater) / Re: Viber
February 07, 2022, 10:44:52 AM
You will find more help in the Viber forum about the install return codes.
PMPC is not filtering the return codes of the installers, so it does not know what they mean.
Thanks for the fix, this makes it more transparent.
Have a pleasant one.
You will have to maintain the 32-bit release of Paint.NET through the program itself, this works great and reliably.
The release 4.3.x is the last one to be supported for 32-bit, starting with 4.4.x Paint.NET is 64-bit only.
From the context menu (right mouse button menu) select the option you like for the selected application, see image attached.
So it would be good to disable Paint.NET for x86 to avoid the false download and failing installation.