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Messages - LittlBUGer

Well, that's one way to fix it I guess, but is it not possible to use the 32-bit and 64-bit direct links from here?: http://www.avg.com/us-en/download.prd-afh-free

Which are:



Those are direct from AVG--full install files for the free version. It would be great if you could keep it in there but I understand if it's a pain for another reason.

Here's for the online-installer version (32 or 64-bit): http://files-download.avg.com/inst/mp/AVG_Antivirus_Free_692.exe

Thank you.

I'm so glad that you finally got the latest version of AVG on the list, but unfortunately, it's not the free version. When it gets to the install, it asks for a license number (for AVG Internet Security) but still allows you to continue if you select the free trial of Internet Security. This isn't that big of a deal, as once that's installed, you can go to Programs and Features in the Control Panel, 'Change' AVG and tell it to switch or downgrade to the Free version, but it's just extra steps and time when it shouldn't be.

Is there anyway this can be fixed? Thank you!
I've seen this on at least 5 different computers in the past few days now. Just wanted to let you know.

Ah, I see now, sorry I didn't catch this earlier. That is unfortunate. I hope that they do not start doing that for all of their tools.

I know in their forum they have a pinned and closed topic talking about slim builds, but it just says they will release the slim several days after the installer version. But this isn't the case in this situation, since this isn't a new version of Defraggler.

I know if you wanted to updated a currently installed Defraggler, you could just take the portable version and overwrite the files directly in the installation folder. But that doesn't work as nicely for a new install (though I guess you could create a shortcut to the files, but I'm not sure what else would be lost in the portable vs. installer).

Hopefully they change their minds and it comes back. Thanks.

Thank you for such a wonderful little program. But I noticed in the latest update that Defraggler has suddenly disappeared! I use this tool all of the time on computers I work on every day and Defraggler is one I always install. Is there something wrong with the latest version of the software or did Piriform ask to remove it (but not CCleaner) or what? Just curious as I'm sure there are others who would like it back as soon as possible.  :-)

Thank you.

I've noticed these issues for a while now and figured I'd finally chime in about them. Chrome and CDBurnerXP for the past few weeks (at least) haven't worked right at all. The Chrome download file is way too small and gives an immediate error when it tries to install. CDBurnerXP seems to download fine, but it either goes to a black command prompt which goes nowhere and does nothing (seems to happen mostly on Windows XP machines), or it complains that the version is not 64-bit compatible and thus can't install. 7zip installs fine, but unfortunately it's only the 32-bit version you are installing. So if I install it on a 64-bit machine, I can access it through the Start Menu but it will not show up in any context menus which is where I primarily use it from.

If it will help, here are the download links that I personally use (with a program called Ketarin) to get the latest versions of each of the files. These files install with no problems on any machine I've tried (Windows XP through 8, 64-bit or not).

*7zip is the exception as I use FileHippo to get the latest version through Ketarin. But note that the 64-bit version is an .msi file instead of a .exe

Google Chrome: https://dl.google.com/tag/s/appguid%3D%7B8A69D345-D564-463C-AFF1-A69D9E530F96%7D%26iid%3D%7B74DFD8C5-C533-9EFB-DFB3-5338F28CAEC1%7D%26lang%3Den%26browser%3D2%26usagestats%3D0%26appname%3DGoogle%2520Chrome%26needsadmin%3Dtrue/update2/installers/ChromeStandaloneSetup.exe

*that link gets Chrome in English language, no usagestats selected/opted, and forces it to require admin rights (UAC prompt - it won't work if it doesn't have this I've found).

CDBurnerXP: http://download.cdburnerxp.se/minimal/f21a7a5a0ade799620cf03c3bd3ab0f2/536bc1f5/cdbxp_setup_4.5.3.4746_minimal.exe

*that link will vary due to the randomized numbers in there, and it's the minimal install so it doesn't include the extra OpenCandy crap. It's the 32-bit version that is also 64-bit compatible.

If PatchMyPC can be updated with the appropriate fixes so I don't have to manually install these programs all of the time, that would be great!  :-)

UPDATE: Also, though I know at this point there's nothing to be done, but MalwareBytes is still on the 'old' version and not the new 2.0 version (which I dislike). But from what I've read, there's no command-line arguments yet for it to be installed, but maybe I'm wrong. I can handle this as an exception for now though. The ones above would be nice if updated though.  ;-)

Thank you.
I know this is an old topic, but I just happened to stumble across something that might help and I still would really like AVG to be included in your wonderful tool. As noted HERE, it is said that after the installer, with all of those switches mentioned before, is finished, then running the following commands should do the trick to get rid of the GUI that pops up:

PING -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL
taskkill /t /f /im avgui.exe

I realize that's not very clean but it could technically work. Please let me know what you think.

Thanks again for all of your hard work!  :-)
I tried a trial download of Ninite Pro to see if I could gain any insight into how they do it (as their custom installer doesn't have anything pop up after the install) but no luck. Not sure what else to try other than contacting AVG directly I guess. Unfortunate, but obviously there is a way if Ninite can do it, maybe a registry entry, hmmm...
Here's a topic where it has an additional switch: http://forums.avg.com/us-en/avg-forums?sec=thread&act=show&id=195966

The switch is: /KillProcessesIfNeeded

I don't know if that means it kills another process to do the install (if an older AVG is installed) or if it means it kills that auto-launch as you described. I haven't tested but I have one other idea that I want to test first. Will get back to you...
I will work on that and let you know if it's possible.   :)
For me and what I continually use, the addition of the following would be great:

AVG Free (command line install: http://forums.avg.com/ww-en/avg-forums?sec=thread&act=show&id=195786#post_195786)
K-Lite Codec Pack Full (command line install: http://codecguide.com/silentinstall.htm)

FileHippos is good, but it doesn't do any installing or anything automated, plus it requires a browser to show you the results. PatchMyPC takes the cake and in my opinion could take over Ninite if it could just support a few more programs... (and keep it free for as long as possible!).   ;D