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Messages - Aleksander

Does PatchMyPC offer a service to update only the EOS application? Let me give you an example, I have python on several computers, and each of the computers have different versions of python. As example: I know that only two computers have EOS python. Is it possible to set an additional rule in PatchMyPC to check to update only those versions that are lower than supported?

End of Service/Support = EOS
After update still I the list of PCs are recognised with older version of .net and .net core. So it seems that are not updated.
Can anyone tell me what is actually being updated via the "Update for Microsoft .NET Core Runtime and Hosting Bundle" I have uploaded the update, but according to Windows Defender the ATP PCs are still out of date, so what has actually been updated?
Its should be deployed as mnadatory installation or uninstallation via intune?
Lenovo Dock manager in latest version is recognised wrongly as Lenovo Please fix it. I see that uninstalling of version uninstalled
I found that in control panel >program and features, after update i still have older version, but when i open app is latest. Check attachment.
Lenovo Dock manager update fail from to via intune:

App installation failed
7/19/2021 6:12:33 AM
Hide details
Error code: 0x87D30067
Error unzipping downloaded content.


Error code: 0x80070002
The system cannot find the file specified
on many devices.
Company portal not recognised that MS visual Studio Code is already installed.

From Intune:

Update for Microsoft Visual Studio Code 1.57.1 (x64) - Installation details
Error code: 0x0

Log from PC:
06/09/2021 14:47:55~[Microsoft Visual Studio Code  1.56.2]~[Found:False]~[Purpose:Detection]~[Context:XXXX$)]~[Hive:HKLM:\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall\*]
06/09/2021 14:47:57~[Microsoft Visual Studio Code  1.56.2]~[Found:False]~[Purpose:Requirement]~[Context:XXXX$)]~[Hive:HKLM:\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall\*]

Log from PC:
[Win32App] ExecManager: processing targeted app (name='Update for Microsoft Visual Studio Code 1.57.1 (x64)', id='4b1b86c8-2985-46b6-bbfa-6cfc2522446a') with intent=3, appApplicabilityStateDueToAssginmentFilters= for user session 3   IntuneManagementExtension   7/6/2021 7:49:45 AM   8 (0x0008)
[Win32App] ProcessAppWithDependencies starts for 4b1b86c8-2985-46b6-bbfa-6cfc2522446a with name Update for Microsoft Visual Studio Code 1.57.1 (x64)   IntuneManagementExtension   7/6/2021 7:49:45 AM   8 (0x0008)
[Win32App] This is a standalone app, id = 4b1b86c8-2985-46b6-bbfa-6cfc2522446a, name = Update for Microsoft Visual Studio Code 1.57.1 (x64)   IntuneManagementExtension   7/6/2021 7:49:45 AM   8 (0x0008)
---->>[Win32App] Processing app (id=4b1b86c8-2985-46b6-bbfa-6cfc2522446a, name = Update for Microsoft Visual Studio Code 1.57.1 (x64)) with mode = DetectInstall   IntuneManagementExtension   7/6/2021 7:49:45 AM   8 (0x0008)
----[Win32App] app with name = Update for Microsoft Visual Studio Code 1.57.1 (x64) dependency detect only is False   IntuneManagementExtension   7/6/2021 7:49:45 AM   8 (0x0008)

I distributed  Dell Command Update 4.2.1 on Dell Laptops via Intune, and from all i get 0x80070004 Error
Impossible to remove groups via PatchMyPC from Intune, only I can add new groups to existing apps. Its normal?