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Messages - swoonhusker

Did you ever find a solution to this issue? I'm also trying to find a way to remove the desktop shortcuts for a new user that logs in. I've tried the Initial_preferences file too.
I also verified that deleting the application and source content and republishing has fixed it for me as well. Thanks!
I have the pre script now but mine is still failing. I am on a machine that has never had Putty installed before. Is this fixed for anyone?
Looks like this is still an issue for us. Are others still seeing the Putty install failing?
In the PMPC right click options I'm able to change the Application name, localized name, description, and icon but I don't see the option to add keywords.

If I do this in the application in config manager, will it stay when the application is updated?
I just wanted to update and let you know that I think our issue was caused by Cylance. After delaying it, the Patch My PC install of Team seems to work fine. Thanks
Hmm, I don't see teams when I search in the start menu now. I also don't have the PreventInstalltionFromMsi key under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Teams.

I'm guessing our only option is to go back to putting teams in the Office install and stop using the Patch My PC install of Teams. Maybe if we try it sometime in the future a newer version will work. Thanks for trying to reproduce it at least.
Sorry for the late reply Adam, I imaged a new computer without Office and then did the Patch My PC 64 bit install in Software Center and I don't see a SquirrelTemp folder. I restarted the computer and logged back in and now I see the SquirrelTemp folder and I attached the log.

Something interesting I noticed is that when I type Teams in the search bar I find the app, but there is no desktop icon or the purple teams in the Apps and Features, only the machine wide installer.
I tried deleting that key. I attached a picture from before I deleted it.

After deleting it I restarted the computer and logged in, but I still only see the teams machine wide installer in my apps and features, so I don't think it's running for my profile. Any other suggestions? I really appreciate your help Adam!
It looks like when I run the 64 bit Teams install it puts the folder in Program Files (x86), but that Run registry key is pointing to the Program Files folder I attached a screenshot. Is this a mistake by Microsoft?

When we install the PMPC install of Teams (Teams Machine Wide Installer) in the task sequence, it installs after Microsoft Office. Our Office install does not include Teams. But when a user logs into the computer, it does not launch the installer or have a copy of the teams app that gets installed in the user's AppData folder.

Is there something we are missing?

I also tried taking a virtual I had teams installed on and I uninstall the teams app in my profile and also uninstalled the machine wide installer version 1.4. I installed the PMPC teams machine wide installer which is version 1.5 right now. Then I restarted the virtual and logged in, but it does not create the purple teams app in the apps and features list and I don't know why.
I think I should have posted this in the enterprise section. Yea, I know you're right Justin. I was just hoping to see if anyone of the members has accomplished any of these items with a custom script in Patch My PC.

I'm setting up Java 8 update 221 as a base application and then will also setup the update rule, but I am hoping to get some advice from experts on here who have customized parts of the install with pre/post install scripts.

Here is what I have working so far:

-My post install script correctly changes the Java_Home environment variable.
-We manage Java exception sites with group policy.

Here is what I would like to figure out the best way to achieve:

-Our previous manual Java package (before Patch My PC) had us alter the baseline.versions file and change the revision number to one higher than what we downloaded. I'm wondering what is the purpose of this and is it necessary?
-I want to set some advanced settings in the Java control panel which include:
     -Mixed code security verification
     -Perform signed code certificate revocation checks on
     -Perform TLS certificate revocation checks on
-I would like to eliminate the Java expiration, messages about "do you want to run this application", and messages about "Java update needed"

Our old manual Java package had us make a lot of these changes in the deployment.properties file. I'm wondering if I were to update this file with a powershell script post install, would that achieve the same result or does something need to be done before install?

Please help me find the best way to achieve these. I would like to do them with a pre/post installation script if possible, but I would also be willing to use group policy if needed.