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Topics - MerlinTheGreat

When starting minimized, the user interface goes wonky. Every time. (see attached picture)

I started PMPC minimized (shortcut) after which I clicked the taskbar icon to watch what it was/would do.
The scroll bar was missing and so were the buttons at the bottom to rescan or start the updating.
After ending the programm and restarting it in normal mode, the interface was ok.

Not an error that is lifethreatening, but still anoying.
Please look into that.
I found an older version of PatchMyPC, which still has the categories, on one of my usb thumbdrives.
I put this over the latest version on my internal drive.
In the ini file I activated the line "Chk_Options_DisablePatchMyPCSelfUpdater" to keep PMPC from updating itself to the newest release again.

I'm a bit disapointed that the app still does update itself, despite me activating the option not to do so.
Now I wonder: has this option ever worked?  ???
And what is the purpose of options if the app does not use them as should be?
Apparently the portable version is not actually portable.
It writes info in the registry which is not portable behaviour.
Why isn't this info written in the "patchmypc.ini" file? THAT would be truly portable.
I just started Patch My PC and got a list of 9 apps that should be updated.
After I checked the versions installed, I came to the conclusion that all of the items were actually up to date...
So NO updates were necessary.  :o
And yet the updates were listed. Straaange.  ???
Thanks for this great software.
I would like to make a request for the update options.

One can select to delete the shortcuts after installation, BUT... the existing shortcuts also vanish.  :-\
Could you add the option to keep the existing shortcuts and only delete the new ones.
That way the desktop stays intact like it was set up by the user/administrator.  8)

This should be fairly easy to implement.

  • If the flag to keep existing shortcuts is set, do the following:

    • Just before the installation, check for an existing shortcut on the user desktop and the public desktop. If it exists, don't take the flag to delete the shortcuts into account.
  • If the flag to keep existing shortcuts is NOT set, do the following:

    • If the flag to delete shortcuts is set, delete the shortcut.