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error code

Started by Froff1958, March 19, 2024, 01:14:57 AM

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TeraCopy fails with an error code:

Patch My PC | Definitions: 11-Jun-2021 | 12/06/2021 09:44:29

Downloading TeraCopy 3.8.5 (8.78 MB)
TeraCopy 3.8.5 Downloaded Successfully
Silently install TeraCopy 3.8.5
Install Complete Exit Code -536870911

Raunak Desai (Patch My PC)

Hey Froff,

Thank you for reaching out.

Can you please help me with the answers to the below questions :

- For which platform are you using PatchMyPC publisher for ?
- Are there any recent changes made in the configuration ?

Can you please help me with the following logs from the server where publisher is installed :

 To help us do further troubleshooting, please generate a log bundle by following the steps below:
   1. In the General tab of the Publisher, click on the Collect Logs button under Logging Options
   2. Pick a Folder where you want to save the logs to
a ZIP file will be created in that location containing the relevant server-side logs needed for troubleshooting. You can then send that ZIP file over to us.

From the client machine, where the app failed to install, can you please share the following logs :

