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Messages - Andrew Jimenez (Patch My PC)

You are still free to download and install the Publisher to use the Publishing Wizard.
Otherwise, you can import your catalog into Updates Publisher to view the applicability rules for an update. (I've attached the latest Jabber applicability rule)

There are a lot of options in this space.
The way many companies are taking care of this nowadays is to set up a CMG and distribute the update content to the CMG.
There is a great Technet article here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/configuration-manager-blog/managing-remote-machines-with-cloud-management-gateway-in/ba-p/1233895
Windows Update for Business will work with 3rd party patches as well, please see here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/configmgr/sum/deploy-use/integrate-windows-update-for-business-windows-10
This should have actually been fixed by Microsoft with KB4557957
Thanks, and thank you for working with us!

If anyone else is running into this issue, we found that an old migration update for Firefox to Firefox ESR was still showing for this user. This update had been expired previously, but somehow wasn't expired in this case. We will be re-adding the expired update to the catalog to ensure that it is truly expired for all users.

The workaround until we publish a new catalog update is to decline the updates using our Modify Updates Wizard.

Could you please get us the logs, through our technical support email would probably be the best: https://patchmypc.com/technical-support

I did a quick check on the applicability rules and installers for those updates, and everything seems to check out right now, so I'd like to see the logs showing what is going on. Thanks!
Thanks for testing. This should be resolved in today's catalog update, please let us know if you continue to experience this issue tomorrow.
Can you try toggling that application off and on in the publisher, click "apply" then right click, republish then resync?
We added a new script to the application to block norton from installing and I am thinking it is not being enabled correctly. Toggling the app off and on should set the settings correctly and allow a republish.
We'll definitely keep an eye out, and if you are able to determine how to block updates, please let us know and we will add it to the product. Thanks!
I just did some additional searching and it does not seem that Amazon has added this feature. I did notice multiple complaints about this same issue on their boards however.
SCCM uses WSUS for it's update deployments, so that part should be just fine.

Your method should still work, and if you are on the Basic license, I believe that is how you have to manage things generally. We do have more automated methods available on the Enterprise plan if you are interested.

I have seen iTunes act odd before, but always have a hard time replicating and determining what the actual issue is. I haven't heard anything about Dropbox updates causing problems though.

Thanks for reporting, we'll keep an eye out for additional issues!
I was unable to repro in our test environment. SCCM 2003 TP and Windows 10 2004.

This is excellent, we will work to reproduce the issue and try to get it on Microsoft's radar. Thanks again for bringing it to our attention!

We're not currently tracking this issue, but will set up a Windows 10 2004 system in our lab and see if we can reproduce. We'll keep you updated on what we find.