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Messages - Andrew Jimenez (Patch My PC)

Hmm, I am unsure of any other variables provided in the scripts. I will reach out to the developers and let you know if you have access to those in the scripts.

We do still rely on some WSUS components, specifically the API tools. Our catalog is based on a WSUS type catalog, so we use the API tools to ingest the catalog. You can safely remove WSUS, however, just keep the UpdateServices-API feature.

Hope this helps!

Have you seen the following article? https://patchmypc.com/pass-variables-into-pre-and-post-scripts

Let me know if you have further questions!

We recently updated our FAQ with this information here: https://patchmypc.com/frequently-asked-questions#update-turnaround-time

Today's catalog was released around 1:30PM PT.
I actually was not able to reproduce this issue. I tested all of the Power BI applications in Patch My PC and was able to successfully install each of them on a test device. Can I get a bit more information? Could you try to delete the existing Patch My PC created app, then run a sync to have Patch My PC recreate the application?
Just to let you know, the code I saw checked in was only for the framework for supporting this feature. We won't have it in the next preview, but we are actively working on it!
Ahh, I think this is because the install was switched from an MSI installation to an EXE installation. We'll look to get this fixed as soon as possible!

Do you have the right click option to "manage conflicting Processes" set for Zoom Outlook Plugin? I believe that is what is closing outlook.
Hello, I believe we will support this feature in our next preview release. I expect some level of support for it by the end of the month.
Hey, I just realized, is the issue that the destination path doesn't exist? I see your script specifically is attempting to copy the file to jre1.8.0_361, when the latest java is 371.
Thanks! I removed the screenshot because it wasn't properly redacted. The way you have this set up, it should work. Is this ConfigMgr or Intune? Are you able to see that both the script and the additional file are both included in the content.
Hello, is it possible for you to upload a screenshot? I'd be interested to see the post script window as you have it configured in Patch My PC. If you don't want to upload here, feel free to open a case and email [email protected].

The installer we provide for .NET core is the following:

The following Microsoft update cooresponds to this .NET Core version:

This update contains the following installers:
  • dotnet-sdk-7.0.109-win-x86_92c1b51685027fc5319083a535dbdeacf46fa5d9.exe
  • dotnet-sdk-7.0.306-win-x86_a176c4f6917dd358c201829663c0c6de2094ef8d.exe
  • dotnet-sdk-7.0.306-win-x64_01f6ea89b603053b91320cdf2a44476ae70fc919.exe
  • aspnetcore-runtime-7.0.9-win-x64_520293403e037687490b15d9dbd2853072b5fc6b.exe
  • dotnet-hosting-7.0.9-win_87826fe545068398fb96f1275b6e2eb4d35a4518.exe
  • dotnet-sdk-7.0.109-win-x64_c1b86fbac59093001b627fc562025376ed5f70ab.exe
  • aspnetcore-runtime-7.0.9-win-x86_de4e6321bee8984c0455c32edbfe6c5f9dbc160e.exe
  • dotnet-runtime-7.0.9-win-x64_afe58c029fbe7db706be3ea606393b63b515a13f.exe
  • windowsdesktop-runtime-7.0.9-win-x64_e07648b263ec9ec93cc5d8b0fc79ffd098c965fc.exe
  • windowsdesktop-runtime-7.0.9-win-x86_9bea7d769edf160d967b8efe3710bd65e6e3a688.exe
  • dotnet-runtime-7.0.9-win-x86_151a438e7dd6bc2ded98afa714bc966d905e3c0f.exe

(If you click on the following link, then click "Download" next to the installer, you will see the files included with this update: https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=.NET%207.0.9%20x64%20Client )
This leads me to believe that Microsoft is actually patching .NET Core 7 with these updates, as the same installers are included. In fact, Microsoft bundles a lot of installers with their patches. I have looked at the applicability rules that Microsoft uses for these bundles in the past, and they will only install the proper installs based on what is already on the device.
I believe those products are still provided by Microsoft via Windows Update and WSUS: https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=.NET