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Messages - Iraklis

Hi everyone,

Is the full version of TeamViewer (TeamViewer_Full.msi) not supported?
We have copied this version to the local repository on the 7th January and it is still there. The system haven't created the update yet.

Thank you in advance for any reply and suggestion.
Hello community,

I would have two questions regarding the updates.

1. What does CustomerCreated means? We see more assignements in Intune than the ones we assigned in PMP publisher.

2. How is it possible that every MS Teams component gets updated except the teams.exe? Is there an explanation?

Thank you in advance.
Hello Hugo,

Thank you for the reply.

Apparently this is a normal bahavior then. However, before we start the process of analyzing logs, is there a suggestion on how to overcome this situation? Meaning, what is the best practice to force the new version of a licensed product like "Cisco Secure Client AnyConnect VPN"?
Hi everyone,

We encounter the issue where Cisco Secure Client AnyConnect VPN does not update from the version 4.x to version 5.x on many clients which leads to vulnerability reports.

Is it normal a behaviour or a known problem and what can we do about it?

Thank you in advance.
Hi Liviu,

Great, thanks for the quick response.

Can you estimate how soon this new build will be shipped to Production? In the next days, weeks or months?
Hello community,

Short question:
What is the best way to post updates/alerts via PMP in MS Teams channels other than the webhook option?

Thank you in advance
Ok, thank you guys.

The fact that there isn't any generall issue with the product is enough info to communicate internally. In case it escalates again I'll ask for the logs and if necessary raise a ticket at the support.

Cheers! :)
Hello community,

Since we enabled the UltraVNC Intune updates last week, it seems that we get many installation failures (27%) with the error message Unknown (0x87D30000).

Is it a known error? How can we correct it?

Thank you in advance.
Hello everyone,

As we activated the update of Zoom Meetings last week on our PatchMyPC system, it can't be installed at the clients. The update appears in Intune to be Not Apllicable, see attached. How can this happen?

Only ecxeption is the update version of Zoom Meetings (User-x64) which has been installed on some computers.

What can explain this behaviour and how can we allow the updates to be installed?
Thank you both for your replies.

@Raunak: I will do that.

@Justin: We have set this option already to 2 days but apparently it doesn't really work. Hence my initial question.
Hello everyone,

Could someone please suggest what is the best practice to delete the older update entries, these that are not assigned anymore, from PatchMyPC and Intune?

Thanks in advance!
I see now that the pause can be set to max. 6 months. We would like it to have it longer for some software.

Is it possible to extend the pause longer that 6 months?
Hello dear Forum,

I would like to know if it is possible to freeze an update for some period.
Or if we can skip some future versions?

Thank you in advance!