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Topics - jjurgens


Is there a reason why PMPC has not updated the ESR version from 115.X to 128.X?  I believe 128.1 was release in early August and then just today, 128.2 was released.

The 2024 updates do not appear to be removing the previous minor versions and now there are 2024.X versions, side-by-side on devices.  We can replicate this as well.  While I understand that PMPC does not update major versions (i.e. 2023 to 2024), it was my understanding minor versions would get removed when updated.  I do not see anything specific to this on the Known Issues and Considerations page like there is for "R for Windows", for example. What is the expected behavior of minor version updates?

Additionally, it looks like there is a specific install property, "REMOVEINSTALLEDAPP" to remove previous versions and I'm not seeing that being used with the PMPC update.  Is there a reason this is not included?

As always, thanks!


Any specific reason why PMPC is holding off on publishing the 24.2.1. update?  Last release was 24.1.6 from mid-June.  We have users requesting the latest update and need to determine if I should package it rather than wait for the update.  Thanks.