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BlueJeans is end of life and has been discontinued by the vendor. It is in the process of being decommissioned from our catalog.
Yes, we are actively working on this solution. It will require a new Publisher build, but we are going to inject additional headers for these specific apps. I'm hoping we'll have a fix in the next preview build of the Publisher.
We recently updated our WSUS certificate and, as a test to validate things were honky dory, I enabled a previously unenabled application and update; in this case BlueJeans. After a couple of manual syncs and waiting a few days, I've noticed that it hasn't been published into ConfigMgr. When investigating, I found that there are no package details for it at all. Is BlueJeans still an available product in the Patch My PC catalog?
Are you guys actively working to try and find a way around these limitations?  Surely there is a way to get around this, even if it required something like installing Chrome or Edge on the PMPC Publishing Service machine and automate the download through the browser, or spoofing headers.  It's very frustrating that I'm spending more time having to manually download installers due to both an increase in the frequency of app updates, and an increase in the number of apps that PatchMyPC cannot deal with automatically.

Thanks for reaching out on the forum!

At this time Adobe hasn't released a newer version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (x86) 24.002.20895. The 64-bit version is the only version being maintained at this time.

We've tried to find confirmation of this from the vendor, but only found this article that mentions EOL for the x86 version back on June 12, 2023. However, they've just stopped updating that version within the past two version of the base app.


We still monitor for new version releases and if made available will provide it in our catalog.


Spencer Cruz
The ConfigMgr and Intune apps for "Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous (en-us)" have not updated since version 24.002.20895 (June 30 Catalog Update). The corresponding ConfigMgr/Intune updates continues to receive updates, as well as other Adobe Acrobat DC/Reader DC apps in the catalog.

Is the base-install for this app not being updated anymore?

This is still an issue as our reader environment is a mess.  Now I put the fact that users keep reader open when not really using it, but detection is an issue.

looks similar to this post: https://patchmypc.com/forum/index.php?topic=6379.0

A year ago I posted this (https://ideas.patchmypc.com/ideas/PATCHMYPC-I-3180) due to a reader cleanup process it started pulling the full version from users systems as well.  I put blame squarely on Adobe for being lazy, so I hope there is a solution to keeping adobe reader patched without messing with the full versions.

I would LOVE to be able to pull versions of reader from systems as 90% of users really only need the pdf capabilities of Edge these days anyway.  But due to detection this yanks full versions too.
what is your request number?  Has there been any traction on this?  The way reader installs now does make it difficult to keep the environment patched/clean.

A year ago I posted this (https://ideas.patchmypc.com/ideas/PATCHMYPC-I-3180) due to a reader cleanup process it started pulling the full version from users systems as well.  I put blame squarely on Adobe for being lazy, so I hope there is a solution to keeping adobe reader patched without messing with the full versions.
Thank you! just fixed it :)
I have 3 computers saying this ... all say the same thing
Patch My PC Update Complete 7/24/2024 2:37:28 AM
7/24/2024 6:49:20 AM - Cannot get portable App path from the registry.
7/24/2024 6:49:20 AM - Patch My PC Started
7/24/2024 6:49:20 AM - Checking connection to patchmypc.com
7/24/2024 6:49:21 AM - Verified connection to patchmypc.com. Status Code: 200
7/24/2024 6:49:21 AM - Getting latest definitions from patchmypc.com
7/24/2024 6:49:22 AM - Unable to download the definition file: The 'HWiNFO32Downloa6' start tag on line 348 position 4 does not match the end tag of 'HWiNFO32Download'. Line 348, position 68.

Seems line 348 is messed up for all.

UPDATE: Its been fixed :)