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Messages - Andrew Jimenez (Patch My PC)


We'll need to "split" the product in our catalog to provide V9.0 and V9.1 versions separately. Please allow us a week or 2 to get this sorted in our catalog.
Hello everyone,

We have no root cause for this issue at this time. What we believe to be happening is that when the Google Chrome Update tries to install, AV blocks the file copy, and the install bombs out partway through. This leaves the old Chrome binaries on the device, and the device is left without Google Chrome in Add/Remove Programs.The common thread that we have found between most of the devices that have had the issue is the following log line in the chrome_installer.log which can be found in C:\Windows\Temp
Quote[0912/180519.266:ERROR:move_tree_work_item.cc(90)] failed move C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Temp\source5400_1011282578\Chrome-bin\116.0.5845.188 to C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\116.0.5845.188: Access is denied. (0x5)
After the access denied error, the Chrome installer MAY return with a 1603, but not always. Regardless, the fix has been the same for all customers, reinstall Chrome with the Intune or ConfigMgr App. Afterwards, things should continue working. Sometimes, customers have had to turn AV off for the reinstall to even work, this makes the AV hypothesis a bit stronger. I believe all of the customers that have faced this issue were running Defender.

If you do encounter this issue, please open a support case with Patch My PC, and include the following logs:
C:\Windows\CCM\Logs\PatchMyPC-Scriptrunner.log (if exists)
C:\ProgramData\PatchMyPCIntuneLogs\PatchMyPC-Scriptrunner.log (if exists)_
C:\windows\ccm\logs\PatchMyPCInstallLogs\GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi.log (if exists)
%ProgramData%\PatchMyPCInstallLogs\GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi.log (if exists)

We have a few reports of this issue now. We are trying to determine the exact cause. We have been unable to replicate the issue internally as well. If anyone is able to, please send over logs to support, specifically, we are looking for the verbose MSI logs (if they are enabled), the log from "C:\Windows\Temp\chrome_installer.log", as well as the PatchMyPC-Scriptrunner.log.

This issue seems sporadic, and we have been unable to tie it to a specific version of Chrome.
Hi Michael,

Your proposed solution looks correct, it also should not cause another scan storm as all you are doing is modifying the content location.

This is a super common issue faced after an in-place server upgrade. The other thing you will want to look out form after things start working again is: https://patchmypc.com/duplicate-patch-my-pc-category-listed-in-software-update-point-products-tab
Hello, it seems Opera released a fixed version after 102 (still version 102) and that is what you are seeing.
Ahh, so that is our home updater. I will confirm that 102 has been pulled from the Home Updater as well.

We've rolled back to version 101 in today's catalog. We will keep track and update when the next version is released.

We have updated the detection for Screaming Frog so that it detects and updates correctly now.

I heard back from the developers. No other variables than the documented ones are exposed to the scripts.

They also mentioned that you will want to ensure if you are writing to the scriptrunner log, you will want to conform to the formatting used by that log (CMTrace format)
Hmm, I am unsure of any other variables provided in the scripts. I will reach out to the developers and let you know if you have access to those in the scripts.

We do still rely on some WSUS components, specifically the API tools. Our catalog is based on a WSUS type catalog, so we use the API tools to ingest the catalog. You can safely remove WSUS, however, just keep the UpdateServices-API feature.

Hope this helps!

Have you seen the following article? https://patchmypc.com/pass-variables-into-pre-and-post-scripts

Let me know if you have further questions!

We recently updated our FAQ with this information here: https://patchmypc.com/frequently-asked-questions#update-turnaround-time

Today's catalog was released around 1:30PM PT.
I actually was not able to reproduce this issue. I tested all of the Power BI applications in Patch My PC and was able to successfully install each of them on a test device. Can I get a bit more information? Could you try to delete the existing Patch My PC created app, then run a sync to have Patch My PC recreate the application?