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Messages - Andrew Jimenez (Patch My PC)

Glad we have more time! We're working on updating our documentation, and Publisher code to account for this change.

We've done some initial investigation on this. The Publisher currently uses MessageCard and not AdaptiveCard, so the built-in workflow templates will not work with the format of the message the Publisher is sending. We are currently determining the best course of action, but at the moment we will likely need to fix this in a future Publisher release.
Hi Shaun,

If you had uploaded a customized MSI, Patch My PC would not have accepted that file, as we require the filehash to match what is in our database. This ensures that you are not uploading a binary that may have been modified maliciously.

The latest will update any older versions (of the same installer type and architecture) to the latest version. It will not replace an exe with an MSI installation, though that is a feature we plan on adding to the portal in the future.

It does not change the date for each assignment. What you should do in this case is instead use the right-click "manage assignments" feature and set the number of days after your sync to make the assignments occur on a specific date. If you want your apps to be updated on the 2nd tuesday every month for example, you can set your sync schedule in Patch My PC to the "second" "tuesday" then use the "Manage Assignments" right click option on your products to specify the date they should deadline.

We were just made aware of this through other channels as well. Webhooks are still supported, they just have to be routed through Power Automate instead. We'll update our documentation accordingly.
We'll check this out and get the name updated if needed. Thanks for the feedback.

Patch My PC cannot set dependencies at this time, though we have began tracking dependencies with the intent on supporting them in some way in the future. https://patchmypc.com/known-issues-and-considerations-when-using-patch-my-pc#topic3

If you add a dependency to a ConfigMgr App, that dependency should stick around when the app is updated as long as you are updating the app in-place and not creating a new app with every new version.
Hello, we only had a single catalog release on the 21st and did not make any revisions to the applications listed.

Please feel free to send in your PatchMyPC.log to support, and mention Andrew, and I can look at the log and see why those applications were revised.
We'll be adding those additional binaries to the list of conflicting processes early next week. Thanks for letting us know!
I'll pass that info on to the web team. I've found adding the version number to the search is extremely helpful when looking for specific changes as well.

Generally, when we make a revision to an update, we post the revision on the release notes for that day. For example, here's a release where we made a revision to dbeaver: https://patchmypc.com/patch-my-pc-catalog-update-06-10-24

Revisions can also occur if right-click options for updates are changed.
Roadmap is still the best place for it. I'll ask around and see if we can get that updated on a more frequent schedule.
Hi Brenden,

You are free to use Scriptrunner to do the notifications, but we cannot offer any support for using Scriptrunner in this manner.
I'm hoping we'll have a Player update this week. We are having to purchase a license for workstation to get access to the full download, as the only option we've found without purchasing a license is a stripped-down MSI, not the full installer.

I do not see an Software either with the vendor SQLite Manager, or name SQLite Manager in our supported products list. What is the product name within Patch My PC so that we may check it.

Addtionally, can you confirm that this is for our enterprise catalog, and not for our home updater?